Chapter 1 | A Foreseen Visit

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"I heard you're willing to help merpeople out for a price?"

The seawarlock slowly raised his head to look at the young girl floating in his doorway. Her meters long tail was twitching anxiously. But even without that he already knew he was her last hope.

It was quite ironic, he had given his life and dignity in many a war for the king. But after so many years of peace he was all but forgotten. Only every so often a desperate mer would come in search of his magical artefact that could better their lives. He had become a legend, a monster in a fairytale. Someone you had to sell your soul or voice for to get the thing you so anxiously needed.

It wasn't true. At least not always. He tried, he really did. To make sure no one had to unnecessarily make big sacrifices. But it was not always possible.

All magic comes at a price.

That was what his mentor had said when he would make a deal. A deal that more often than not destroyed the buyers' life.

It was still the best choice in his life he ever made, to run away from that kingdom and find a new life here. Twenty thousand miles under the sea.

But to every good decision there was a downside. Life was lonely. With from time to time a customer like this young princess standing in front of him, hoping for a better life. She didn't need to say more. He already knew what she wanted. He had heard the rumours just like everyone else had. That she had fallen in love with a man from above the surface.

And with her upcoming engagement and marriage to a foreign prince. One she didn't love, she would want to run away.

"Yes, I'm the warlock. What can I help you with, miss?" He finally completely turned her way while wiping his hands clean with an old rag.

She was fidgeting with her hands while her tail and hair were both completely over the place. She was more than nervous. Princesses like her usually had very good control over their animal part and hair, that had both a life of their own.

"I would, I would like to, to be able to walk on the surface." Even though she had to start her sentence again. She looked confident, she knew what she wanted and was going to get it no matter what.

"What do you mean with the surface? Do you want to walk on water or land? Though I can't recommend either of them." The surprised look on her face told him she hadn't thought her question through. Which wasn't surprising, no one ever did. But with magic you needed to be precise. Especially to one that would alter your body. Changes were high you would face some nasty surprises.

"I want to be able to walk on land to get to know the prince I fell in love with." This time no stutter could be heard in her speech. She was absolutely certain about her decision.

"Are you willing to pay the price then, darling? Because getting legs isn't cheap magic. There will be conditions for that ability, so think well about what things are most important." The price for her legs would be one of her most prominent senses. Speaking, tasting, touching, hearing or seeing. For legs she would need to give one of them up, maybe they could make it a temporary condition. That could work with her whole 'being in love with a prince' thing. If they could make the condition that she would get the sense back she gave up, when the prince would marry her out of love for her. Then the magic would be satisfied, but it was risky business. He had seen the prince wandering the streets and flirting with every creature he encountered. He had heard from other magic users that he had already become a father several times. And that was his problem together with those girls. But he sure was not good enough for this princess.

The princess didn't seem to see the full severity of that question. But what could he expect of her? She thought she was in love and didn't want to get stuck in a loveless marriage. She just wanted to escape reality, and getting legs seemed her best bet.

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