Chapter 10

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My life flashed before my eyes as I dived for the cliff edge.
I caught his wrist just in time and pulled him up onto the grass.
I noticed the tears running down his face and wiped them with my sleeve as I sat him down on the grass far away from the edge of the cliff.
I sat down beside him, his eyes were still closed and I could see that his muscles were still tensed.
He was trembling terribly, like a scared kitten trapped in an alleyway with no one to help it.
I couldn't help myself and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tightly in my embrace and letting him cry into my shoulder.
It would've been stupid of me to ask why he ran away, or why he jumped.
It would've been stupid of me to pretend like I did nothing to him.
"I'm so, so sorry, Rhys. I should have never ran away like that or talked to you like that. I should've never done anything to hurt you." I whispered into his hair, a tear running down the side of my face.
He said nothing for a moment, before taking in a shaky breath and pulling away from the hug.
He stood up and I did the same.
He raised his hand and balled it into a fist, throwing it into my chest.
It didn't hurt whatsoever, but I knew it meant something to him.
He just kept punching and punching and punching, and I let him, spreading my arms out wide.
Every time he did it, the blow got harder and harder.
"I hate you so much, Dean!" He yelled, his voice breaking, as he stood there and met my eyes.
I nodded slowly, "I get that a lot."
He just looked at me, silence filling the air around us.
Defeat took over the terrified and angry look in his eyes and he let out a grumble of aggravation, his fists clenching again, and for a moment, I thought he was going to punch my chest again.
"But I love you even more, and it hurts so bad."
He looked like he wanted to kiss me... or kill me.
Or both.
Either one was fine with me.

This time, it was my turn to kiss him.

I smashed my lips against his and pulled his body toward mine.
I hadn't realized until now how perfectly they fit together.
My body and his.
He laid his hand flat against my chest and his touch made me want to kiss him even more passionately than I already was.
The sky behind us was bright orange and the sun matched, the off-white clouds smeared across it in a messy blend.
It was like something you would see in a romance movie.
Or one of my drawings.

When Rhys was ready, we made our way back to Gage's car after picking up Rhys's radio from the cliff edge.
"Rhys, can you wait outside for a minute? You can take my phone with you to text your parents if you need." Gage asked, turning in the front seat to look back at him.
"No, I want to face their scolding in person." Rhys muttered in response, opening the car door and stepping outside onto the grass again.
When he shut the door behind him and Gage was sure he couldn't hear us, he turned his head to look at me.
I sat stiffly in the passenger seat and met his gaze head-on, unafraid of what he was going to say next.
He looked me in the eyes and placed his hand softly on my thigh, and I hesitantly laid my hand on top of his.
It was our thing, usually meaning something along the lines of 'It's okay' or 'Are you okay?'
In that particular moment, I couldn't figure out which one it was.
"Dean, we need to talk."

I sat outside of the car on the grass, waiting for someone to open a door and say I can come back inside.
Eventually, it did happen, and I regretted getting back in the car.
Dean and Gage were completely silent the whole time, and Dean looked extremely troubled.
I wondered what happened while I was outside.

When Gage dropped me off at home, I quickly walked up the driveway and got inside.
I stiffened, preparing for the most extreme punishment I'd ever gotten in my life.
But I never got it.
In fact, when I walked inside, the living room was completely empty.
I ascended the stairs and made my way down the hallway into my room.
I threw down my old radio underneath my computer desk, and walked over to my closet.
After getting into something more sleep encouraging, I climbed into bed and slept.
I slept well enough to make it until morning without waking up more than three times during the night, and I felt decent enough in the morning to walk.
So that's a plus, even though my entire body was sore from sleeping on benches and picnic tables.
In the morning, I awoke, got into normal clothes, and swiftly made my way down the stairs.
That's when I noticed my father standing in the front doorway.
"Come here, Rhys." He said, no emotion readable in his expression or tone.
But lucky for me, I was just as good as he was at concealing my inner emotions.
I walked over to him, no caution or fear in my steps, and looked him in the eyes.
He then did something I hadn't expected at all, and embraced me.
My head laid on his chest and I wrapped my arms around him, accepting the hug.
When he placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me away from him, he didn't have an angry expression on his face.
It was more a mixture of concern and relief than anything else, which was strange to me, because Moon Dawn didn't show weakness to anyone.
"Don't ever do that again, okay?"
I nodded, a singular tear dripping from my chin to the carpeted floor.
"I won't ever let that Silvers boy near you again, I promise. You'll never have to feel like that ever again." He looked me in the eyes, but I narrowed mine.
"Dad..." I took a few steps away from him, placing his hands back to his sides. "I don't want to be kept away from Dean, and how did you know that he did something?"
My father looked at me, examining my facial expression, which I tried my best to keep blank.
"Dean told me that he had something to do with the situation. How could you not want him to be kept away from you? He hurt you and made you do something so terrible to yourself!"
"Dean didn't make me do anything. It was all me. The running away, the jumping off the cliff. Dean saved my life, dad. He caught me after I jumped and brought me back up. He held me until I was done crying, and then he let me punch all of my anger out of me. And then..." I paused, contemplating continuing, "and then he kissed me, dad. And I liked it. You know why I liked it?"
Moon said nothing and just stared at me.
Finally, he gave in. "Why did you like it...?"
I clenched my fists, another tear running down the side of my face.
"Because I love him! I liked it because I love him! He saved me because he loves me, he held me because he loves me, he let me punch him because he loves me, he kissed me because-"
My father placed a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes, cutting me off.
"Because he loves you." He finished for me, nodding slowly, a look of realization blooming on his face.
"Go." He said, a hint of finality in his tone, releasing my shoulder.
"Go. To Dean. Do whatever you need to do." A smile ruined his intimidating look, and he gestured toward the door.
"But I can't! He has a boyfriend!"
"Well go to him anyway, because that's what you need, and that's what you want."

Written in the Stars (W.I.P.) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now