Chapter 20 - Consolation of Being

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"What did she have told you, Mocha?" Felicia repeated her words, this time in a controlled and commanding tone, her voice carrying more weight than before.

The creator sat patiently, her gaze locked on Mocha. She was determined to find out the reason behind the sudden change in the situation. After all, they had just started getting along, and now it seemed as if everything was trying to tear them apart. She waited for the werecat to explain himself, her mind racing with questions and concerns. The creator herself needed to understand and resolve the issue before it spiraled out of control.

"For my immortal's ass sake, will this problem end?" Felicia voiced in her mind. Her eyes squeezed shut, attempting to drive away the negativities.

Mocha didn't answer, he rather wanted to but couldn't. Once his curious mind was clouded with fear, worry that she might unleash her wrath on him. The hazel eyes of him looked at the plate of his pancake, which seemed to not be appetizing now.

 He frowned at the food, feline ears drawn aback. With terrified thoughts, he mumbled. "Everything...I guess...?" 

Felicia let out a deep sigh, she rubbed her forehead, distressed. The half-and-half girl must've spilled the beans on him, judging by how inquisitive he was. Felicia now sat straight, eyes now looking at Mocha who had been keeping his head low, his nose almost nuzzling the table. Looking guilty.

"I just wanna have my morning in peace..." Felicia scoffed quietly.

Soon, pity lured into her black heart after gazing upon the remorseful-looking traveler.

"I am not mad, I just want to know," Felicia said. She resumed eating her pancakes, munching away the disoriented, dark energy inside her. She was too hungry to care. The usual Felicia would've gone mad and argued with him, but she seemed to think it was just reckless, for now.

Mocha immediately lifted his head, his eyes glistened and his mouth formed a small smile of relief. His feline ears jerked upright simultaneously. "Wait, really?" He knew asking excessively would irritate Felicia, but his nature wouldn't care less. Despite that, his heart started to fear her.

"Hm." Felicia hummed in response, her mouth was filled with the soft sweet pancakes, simply strived to finish. Both of them continued to spend their lovely yet tense late breakfast.

Mocha lay on the comfy regal couch,  somehow attempting to read a book that he brought from the third floor of the mansion, from Felicia's library. Both of them minding their own business after breakfast. Mocha eyed the text in the book, he seemed lost in concentration. For half an hour he stared at the book, but no information seemed to click. His mind was distracted by the thought of Felicia being a hideous monster, regarding how he despised and was afraid of them.

His first encounter with such a grotesque in the town days ago was terrifying. Even without a clear vision of how the monster looked, he sure remembered the terror when facing one. That time everything was too quick to recognize anything. All he remembered about the monster was it being thrice as big as him, its dark black body covered with black stardust of smoke, the glowing scary white eyes which the smoke vaporizing out, and last but not least the crooked huge sharp countless teeth.

He willingly dropped the book to his face, it let out a thud. Resigned lured into mind.

Felicia walked to the living room, coming from upstairs. She had just showered, putting on her daily casual clothes, a black turtle neck with black slacks, and the sleeves were always rolled up. 

Her eyes rested on the frustrated-looking cat. A chuckle escaped from the creator's lips, her broad sturdy shoulder moving consistently with her laugh.

Mocha jolted upward hearing the sudden laugh, the book flew away and landed on the ground. His head whipped over the white couch and saw Felicia standing there, fixing the position of her watch on her wrist with his catlike eyes widening.

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