Chapter 13

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As I sat at the table with Glorion, my mother, Dorion, Julien, Julien's boyfriend, Ian, and Skye.
Ian never came to visit much, so none of us knew what he was doing.
Until now, I guess.
Not that I cared, since he'd changed.
Ian used to be great.
The best older brother.
Until one of my closest friend's, Abilene, broke up with him.
He dyed his hair dark blue with white streaks that year, he turned cold, and he shut out everyone he knew and loved.
Seeing him here today made me feel like the roof was caving in on me.
I felt more claustrophobic in a space with both of my parents and Ian than I would in an actual inclosed space.
Ian was wearing all black.
Black suit, black suit jacket, black dress pants, black dress shoes.
This is a family reunion, not a business meeting.
"So Ian, how has everything been going lately, son?" Glorion's gaze shifted to his oldest son.
"Everything has been going quite fine, father. I am so glad you asked."
His reply was emotionless and blank, but he somehow didn't sound sarcastic, either.
"Dorion, Skye, how have you two been?" Glorion asked.
Dorion couldn't even answer the question before Skye said, with hostility in her tone, "You know damn well how I've been doing, Glorion."
She had been the first to start calling him by his real name a few years ago, and she wasn't afraid of whatever response he had for her.
"That is dad to you, Skye Silvers!" He clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes at her, "and watch your language."
"Neither of those matter to me." Skye said simply, shrugging her shoulders and making Glorion visibly angrier.
"I'm doing fine, too. Thanks for asking." Julien volunteered bravely, not taking his eyes off of his phone as he said the words.
"No phones at the table, Julien Silvers. And I don't like your sarcasm." Willow Silvers barely said the words, like she was taking a huge risk.
Glorion usually threw rules at people's faces and didn't like it when his wife took control of things, but at that moment, it didn't seem like it mattered much to him.
He was too busy admiring Ian to pay attention to anything else at all.
"Why do you get to tell me what to do and what not to do? Not like you're ever around, anyway." My identical twin brother shot back, the golden stud over the slit in his eyebrow shimmered in the dim kitchen light overhead.
Willow had a problem, like all Silvers did, but her's specifically had an affect on her, and everyone else around her.
She ran from her problems, literally.
She would leave home for days and days on end until she would decide that she finally wanted to come back home.
Nobody went looking for her because her parents died years ago, she never had any siblings, and none of us really cared much.
It sounds cold, but she didn't care much about us either.
Willow shrunk down in her chair and said nothing to Julien's remark.
"Dorion, how is your relationship with that Gordon girl going?" Glorion asked, finally looking at someone other than Ian, who ate his food silently.
"Her name is Docca Gordon," Dorion said, clenching his jaw, "and we canceled our engagement. We both want different things and the rest of it is none of your business."
Glorion nodded as if in agreement, no sign of disappointment or sadness.
In fact, he almost looked relieved.

"So, I talked to my girl, Doc, recently and I learned that her and Dorion canceled their engagement! Isn't that insane?!" The short, ebony-haired girl beside me asked dramatically as she shoved her dorm room door closed.
"Yes, Abilene, so insane."
Abilene Savannah threw her dark hair over her shoulder and scoffed with fake offense.
"You can at least sound a little less sarcastic. And nobody calls me Abilene except for my mom."
I rolled my eyes as she linked her arm with mine and we made our way down the hall to descend the stairs.
"So, how are you and your boyfriend doing?" I asked, breaking the silence as we made our way down the steps to the main dorm lobby.
"Me and Gabriel are great, thanks for asking!" There was a small silence between us before she asked, "Are you and Dean talking?"
I had thought of Dean every day since my suicide attempt and it hadn't gotten much better since I left for college.
She looked at me then, her caramel eyes narrowing.
"You really don't see it, do you?"
"See what?" I asked, turning my head to look at her.
"Nothing, never mind."
Of course, I knew where she was going with that.
She used to constantly tell me that I'm 'blind' or that I don't see what's 'really going on between us'.
Of course I knew what was going on.
I longed for Dean every day and every night, but longing wouldn't make a difference.
We weren't each other's normal, and that's how things were going to stay, based on what things were like now.
Though, that didn't change how much I missed him, and that would never change.

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