Chapter 1

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Translated by: Tinker

Year 1972, Spring

It was noon, a time for people to work. Smoke arose from every house in Taohua Village. Both the sound of children's excitement and adults' voices made the village look particularly lively.

But in the house of one family, two people roared at each other. The rest of the family members were quiet and didn't dare to join the argument.

"You,! It was you who wanted to marry him. Now you regret when he became a disabled! Who taught you that, Su Jiaojiao?" The man's angry roar resonated in the house. There were three children in the family, and the other four adults did not dare to make a sound.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the house cooked in the kitchen in silence. The second daughter-in-law burned the fire. Several others squatted in the yard.

Su Jiaojiao bowed her head. Her brain had not yet fully reacted, so she stayed quiet. She arranged her thoughts silently and didn't worry about being beaten at all, because she knew that someone would help immediately.

Sure enough, after the man roared, a sharp female voice immediately roared back angrily: "What do you mean, dead old man? Song Qinghan had become like this, and you still want my daughter to marry him? My daughter is smart enough not to continue this marriage because that man wouldn't be able to marry anyone else with his situation!"

"Nonsense! You spoil her too much." The man became more angry, his face turned from the color of black to red. The blue veins around his neck was about to pop out.

He pointed to Su Jiaojiao's nose and shouted, "Before, he didn't want to marry you. You forced this marriage. You made the family look like a joke! Now when the man agreed to marry, you didn't want it. The labor and management informed us of this matter and was settled half a year ago. Even if you want to change it, you can't. You just marry."

In the middle of the talk, the man was pushed and staggered two steps. Because the man stopped from talking, the woman's crying voice became louder and louder: "Su Zhengyang, you are a murderer! You're killing your daughter for the rest of her life! "

The woman said while beating him with her hand, which made a dull sound on his body, but the man just kept his teeth on: "A spit on a nail. What she wanted at the beginning, can't be changed!"

"Spit on a nail" : It's a Chinese idiom that means you are responsible for your own words

"Su Zhengyang! You don't know that our daughter is still young! they're not yet sensible..." The woman gritted her teeth with despair.

But at this time, the girl who had been bowing her head suddenly looked up with a look of innocence. Her clear eyes looked at the two people who were fighting in a group, and said in a crisp voice, "Marry, who says I will not marry?"

Sun Fang tore her husband's hands away, took her daughter's hand, and roared "Daughter, are you confused? Your husband is in that condition. Who will support you when you marry him? Being the wife of the Song family is not good."

Su Jiaojiao blinked twice and nodded seriously: "Mom! I'm married! I asked for this marriage, and I should fulfill it."

Her voice was soft, her eyes were clear, her beautiful face was more beautiful than before, and there was no haze between her eyebrows, which was quite different from before.

Listening to the meaning of her words, and then looking at their daughter's calm posture, Su Zhengyang and Sun Fang were both dumbfounded.

Just now, they had been arguing to determine whether to marry their daughter to Song Qinghan, who was wounded and retired five days ago.

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