Chapter 21 - Halwa Woods

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The enchanted rainforest, Halwa Woods. Where the day seemed like night. The canopies of the trees were dense, covering the sunlight that had attempted to pierce through. 

"One's mind shall be soothed upon entering the crystal woods."

Felicia strolled, with her little company on her side, the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves filling the air. Mocha followed her, his eyes fixed on the mesmerizing scene, the vibrant colors of the rainforest in the dark captivating his gaze. As they walked, the scent of damp earth and lush vegetation enveloped them, adding to the enchantment. Lost in their admiration, neither of them uttered a word, content to soak in the beauty surrounding them.

The dark gloomy rainforest was brightened with crystals that shot on from the soil, extending its sharp glowing colors. The big trunks of trees had glittery gemstones scattered as if it was glued on them. The colorful lanterns hung themselves between the branches of the trees. It reflected the hue of the primary neon colors, making the scenery breathtaking. The leaves were highlighted with aurora shades, not knowing where they came from. Its purple blended with pink gives the sensational feeling of space.

The earthy smell of after rain mixed with the floral scent of the forest flowers had brought serenity to both of them. Their footsteps made soft yet crunchy sounds when they walked on the soil that was nearly covered with scattered flowers and specks of harmless crystals.

Mocha looked above, only the dark shades he witnessed. He was sure before they stepped into the rainforest, it was a bright, sunny day. He became unaccustomed to the sudden night. Worry lingering around the mind on why did the immortal brought him here, but the captivating sparkly enchanted crystals and glowing gems everywhere had washed it away.

Felicia lowered her eyes, taking a glimpse of of the wagging tail. 

The sight of the awe-struck man with his mouth slightly agape and eyes scanning the lush surroundings to take in the beauty of the rainforest filled her with a sense of triumphant satisfaction. It warmed her proud heart to see him so utterly captivated by her kind's establishment.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" Felicia asked, slanting her head down.

Forming a genuine smile, Mocha lifted his head to Felicia, ears tall. "Truly..." He whispered. His tail wagging in slow motion as his small fingers gripped his sling bag tightly, excited.

"Why did you bring me here?" Mocha asked.

Felicia's gaze on him softened, she held her arms behind her back gracefully. "This place is safe, safe from monsters." Felicia said. She was about to tell her intentions of bringing him here, "I was wondering if-"

"Eh? How? And how you-"

"Only real monsters." Felicia cut his words. She had seen it coming. About him asking how she could step her foot in even though inside she was just the same as the crawling, destructive monsters out there.

"Only real, crawling, inhumanly form monsters couldn't step in here." Felicia continued. "They are the ones who have lost their humanity and couldn't bear the power of the dark energy only can transform into monsters." 

"A group of sorcerers and healers have enchanted this rainforest with spells and barriers centuries ago. So you don't have to worry anything, curious one."

"Oh, I see." Mocha acknowledged, buying her words to trust. 

"There's a bench over there, we can sit there if you want." Felicia suggested. She pointed at the brown bench, decorated with soft vines and small flowers. After walking around, she thought it would be nice to take a rest, and a great starter to have a deep conversation.

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