His feelings?

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Most of the people left for the hospital to accompany Chris and make sure she was alright, while the rest went back home.

I didn't know what to do, I could have gone home but there was something that kept bothering me and I found myself outside the office building, sitting on the roadside bench waiting for the people who were working on the case to come out.

It was such an odd sensation, I wanted to cry but I had cried a lot the past two days and it felt like my tears were dry but even then, when Rameen's bodiless head came to my mind, the shivers ran down my spine again and again, also forcing out a tear or two, but that was it.

My mind felt heavy, my heart felt odd and my forehead was sweaty, as if the confusion and shock just couldn't find its way around and focus on one thing.

I blankly stared at the busy street in front of me, cars and bikes sped by, unaware of the tragedy that was in the office building. I glanced to the side, the reporters were there but the police wouldn't let them go in. The TV stations were making their reports and I saw a reporter from NLN as well but it was someone I didn't know. Of course, I wouldn't know them, they were from the branch in City A after all.

But looking at their cameras and mikes made me wonder if I would have been standing there if I wasn't undercover here. Not that I've been on TV, I've only written articles so far.

"The head hunter has claimed yet another innocent life, like the rest of his victims, the girl was seventeen years of age, one of the youngest in the age group the heinous villain targets."

"So far the head hunter's victims have all been girls, ranging from age sixteen to twenty-two. All of the girls were good people trying their best in life."

"The police have yet to give an official statement about what the relationship is between the victims, the only thing we know so far is the girls had single parents who were doing their best for their children."

"No one can comprehend the emotions of the parents who suddenly lost the child they had spent their whole life for."

It was heart-wrenching indeed, why would someone do that to families that were already struggling?

My phone rang, averting my attention away from the different reporters making their statements on camera. I had the device in my hand and looked down to see who it was.


A worm of anxiety and despair crept up my chest. Rameen's case made me completely forget about the heartache he had caused me and I frowned. My head hurt, not just from seeing Nolan's call but it certainly added to making the headache worse.

The phone kept ringing and the world around me seemed to fade away as I wondered.

Do I pick it up? What do I say? Do I have to say anything? He has no idea I saw them...

I gulped.

He has no idea he has caused me pain...

I pursed my lips and answered the call, still dreading how to deal with him, "Clio!" But, I didn't have to say anything. He spoke first without a greeting and didn't even wait for one from my side, "I heard," Nolan's voice sounded excited, "There was a murder in your office, this is the perfect opportunity to do your own investigation," I stared blankly at the road

"...." My chest squeezed, and I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him.

"Clio? You get what I'm saying right? I know I don't need to explain anything to you, you already do great." It felt suffocating. The praises he always gave me, which usually brought me so much joy, felt so stifling, "I know you're undercover, so make sure to stay hidden." To all the third parties, this murder meant nothing, to all the reporters it was a scoop. And if I hadn't met Rameen personally, it would be nothing more for me either.

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