Chapter Ten

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Akari POV

He carried me to the moving box and sat me down in a baby jail. "You'll have to stay in this car seat until you get used to being in a car." Aizawa said, making me have a low quiet growl "ah ah none of that, " he scolded, taking his finger and taping it on the top of my nose.

I pulled my head back, not wanting any of that anymore, aizawa closed the door, walking around the torture box. I heard the door open and a kid with purple hair. "Akari, this is hitoshi. Remember him?" He asked me, making me look at hitoshi... I look a second to remember, but I nodded when I remembered.

Then the blond man got into the car kissing aizawa.i took a second for me to feel safe in a room with people I didn't know but I felt them...they didn't feel threatening or unsafe so i thought i could ask questions

I put my head towards hitoshi, and he puts his head towards mine. "Who's he?" I whispered, pointing at the blond who's talking to aizawa. "That's your papa," he whispered back to me and pointed, to the blond... Mama?  I swore I heard Mama....

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked me, making me stare at him blankly."Here I'll put on frozen for you" (I don't know about yall, but I love frozen) he pulled put a box and the screen lit up there was a picture of a blond man in the front seat I "that?" I asked him,"What?" He asked, making me get a little sad and frustrated. "WHY DOESN'T HE KNOW WHAT IM SAYING?" I screamed in my head.

"She's asking who's that," I looked out the window already mad. "Dad... how do you know what she's saying, but I dont?" He asked aizawa

"Because you were her age when we adopted you, so I would say I have experience." He chuckled and smiled at me and him... ive decided that I'm still mad at him, so I'm not going to look at them. "Heyyy Akari, I'm sorry I couldn't understand you," hitoshi says, about to touch me

"Mmm!" I growled at him, crossing my arms and looking out the window. "Just give her a moment, son," aizawa states and taps my leg, not hard just enough to get my attention. "Eh eh, none of that, we don't growl at people, apologize,"

I looked at him for a moment....."Do you know how to apologize, akari?" The blond one asked me. I shook my head, never hearing that word ever, "can you say I'm sorry?" He asked me."I'm sorry," I told him, "not me, to toshi," I looked at the purple one

"I'm sorry toshi,"


I had gotten shaken awake with a "baby were here" by daddy. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in his arms laying on his chest, "Mmmm." I groaned, not wanting to wake up. "Toshi, hold her for a second while I get a cart." I was picked up again by another set of arms. "Mmmmmmmm," I groaned, trying to get comfortable

Just as i thought, i was safe. "Babygirl, wake up," I was shaken awake again. I fluttered open my eyes and was in toshis arms, "were here at the mall"

"Mall?" He nodded "its a place with a bunch of stores in it." I nodded and laid on toshis chest again,

Aizawa POV

I watched as the little girl laid on toshis chest for the third time. I picked her up and stood her on her feet. She'd have plenty of time to sleep when she gets home.

"Mmmm," she groaned, rubbing her eyes
"Aww baby, it's okay. Let's go get you some clothes." she nodded, and I grabbed her hand so that no one took her when I wasn't watching "how about we go into the hero store first wo we can see a bit of what your style is" I suggested making her nod.

Does she know what a hero is? Does she know what a hero does? "Hey baby akari, do you know what a hero is?" She shook her head yes "do you have a favorite?" I asked her already, knowing her answer. It's probably all might witch I couldn't blame her he is a very flashy hero.

"Might." I nodded."You like all might?" I chuckled, patting her head she shook her head no, I thought about it for a moment. I don't know any other heroes that start or end with might.

"Well, would you like to show me so we can get you what you want?" She looked at me for a moment, taking in what I said, then she nodded "okay cmon" we came into the store.

We looked around for a moment as she looked around it was clear she knew what she was doing she just couldn't find it. She stopped, and her eyes lit up a bit. She walked over to it. I got my phone out and started recording her she continued to walk over to it.

She still has a hard time walking since she didn't get to do it in overhauls grasp but were gonna work on that

I took my eyes off of her and to the object she was going towards......Dinamight......she was talking about bakugou? "Oop...." toshi laughed "what the fuck she likes the Pomeranian?" He cackled I walked towards her

Still recording... it was a dinamight hoodie "is this the one you want?" I asked her making sure she wanted it. "Mhm!" She she said with big eyes, not a smile yet but were getting there.

"Okay, let's find your size,"

I ended the video and sent it to midnight, putting my phone in my pocket. we got her size, and it was an XS (Extra Small). we put it on her. This one goes just a little past her bum, but it will do (photo provided above pretend that's XS)

Moments later, my phone started going off like crazy "who's blowing up my phone so much?" I asked myself class 1-A group chat? I looked through some of the text messages until I scrolled up enough to see...

I sent the video to the Class 1-A group chat

group chat

Mina Ashido:
@Katsuki Bakugou,
(finally, some little kid likes you)

Denki Kaminari:
Video chat?
@Katsuki Bakugou

Tsuyu Asui:
When can we meet her!?
@Katsuki Bakugou

Izuku Midorya:
Why is  she so small!?
@Katsuki Bakugou

Ocracoke Uraraka:
Yeah, she's so cute, but it is
it normal to be that small
how old is she?
@Katsuki Bakugou

Katsuki Bakugou:

Fumikage Tokoyami:
Bakugou, you should
be happy someone,
especially a little girl,
likes you.

Shota Aizawa:
to all your questions.
No. I'm sorry,
but that video wasn't

for you, it was for a friend

Katsuki Bakugou:
What friends?

Shota Aizawa:
Okay, 4head
Or should I say 4head to
The 10th power. Does your
Neck get tired of carrying that

Katsuki Bakugou:

Shota Aizawa:
And no kaminari, I'm not
video calling

Denki kaminari:
...either you video call
Or I can come there and
see Her for myself are
Are you at Central Japanese mall?

I'm not getting out of this.

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