Chapter 23 - Fire Resistance

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"Felicity! I think I've finally done it!" Naomi blithely informed her.

"You sure...?" Asked the creator, in a voice tinged with apprehension. "This is the 22nd attempt, Naomi..."

Naomi was brewing a fire resistance potion, with the help of Felicia to test it out. Naomi thought it would be great for the helpless mortals to have a fire resistance potion in hand for their safety, seeing no harm and any danger Felicia decided to agree to help her.

They both were in her cottage, Felicia sat down on a stool with a small, thick notebook in her hand. The insides of the cottage were lit up by the warm, golden light filtering in through the big windows. She enjoyed the warmth of her friend's cottage during the day, it also made her come to visit her often. The cottage had lots of shelves, only to be filled with potions of hers. On the countertops stood all the brewing types of equipment she needed, and under the counter lay the raw materials such as herbs, spices, plants, animal parts, and even crystals and rocks.

Naomi left her potion book on the small table, handwritten by the healer herself. Felicia was fascinated by how Naomi invented potions and ways of healing, she flipped through her detailed recipes that were jotted down immensely.

Naomi stood behind the countertop with a conical flask in her left hand, it contained a lime-coloured liquid. Her right hand was occupied with a test tube filled with orange fluid, risking to mix both of those into one. Her shaky hand slowly rotated the test tube, she only needed exactly five drops of the fluid to be poured into the flask. Her amethyst eyes fixated on the liquid, paying attention to nothing but the potion. 

'One wrong move then I'll be done for.'

As she added five drops of liquid from the tube, a burst of smoke erupted from the flask, filling the room with a strange, acrid smell. A sizzling sound came out from the flask, the liquid had turned into a bright scarlet color.

"Ack!" Naomi yelped, her body jerked backward at the sudden blast. The smoke twisted and turned, forming strange, ever-changing patterns that seemed to defy gravity. Naomi only stared into the reaction, mesmerized by how the smoke twirled around in the air.

Felicia snapped and lifted her head at her yelping, golden eyes contracting in concern as she looked in her direction. She shut the tiny book. "Naomi, are you alright?" She asked.

"Ah, I'm fine. This one seemed to have a physical reaction." She said, holding the flask higher, she took a peek at the bottom, "No lumps in sight. I guess it was safe to drink!"

Felicia wore a confused smile on her lips, she was concerned that the healer had may be over-enthusiastic over her potions. The word 'physical reaction' made her worried if this one had a side effect on the body, an infection or sickness perhaps. She eyed the counter, it was a mess. With all the flasks and liquids spilling around, it made her a bit gross.

"I think we should try it."

"Are you sure? This is the 12th time you passed out, I'm not sure if-"

Her assistant, eagerly cut her words, "Don't worry! My various healing potion on the back shelf covers everything!"

Felicia smiled wryly, she fretted if she had overdone herself. Which Felicia assumed enough she did.

"Welp, here goes nothing!" She said as she began to take a sip, and then a few sips, and then she chugged the whole thing. Felicia crained her neck back and squinted her eyes in disgust, smiling in concern at the displeasing sight.

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