chapter two

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Soon it was evening l had decided to walk around the house just to get a little bit active and while walking around l see my mom cooking what l assume was dinner so l got up to her. "Hey mom do you need help?" I ask trying to be nice. "Yes please."
"Okay." I was wondering what l could do but before l could speak she spoke up first. "You can make the soup." I nodded and got a pot she had already chopped up everything so l just put it into the pot and fried it until the onions were brown and the tomatoes were mushed. Then l put some water and left the pot to put in the soup powder.

I mix everything and tasted the soup and it tasted amazing it was thick too which was great. "Done." My mom looks at me then tastes the soup. "Its delicous thank you very much sweetie." She says with a big smile on her face l smile back. "No problem mom." I head back upstairs and hear something. It sounded like a vibration from my room.

I enter my room and it was my phone l look at the phone to see that mason was calling me l was wondering what he wanted so l picked up the call. "Hey." I say through the phone. "Hey. So l wanted to ask if maybe we could hang out tommorow?" I mean tommorow was a small holiday so l guess l could. "Sure."
"Great anyways bye." He says in an excited voice. "Bye." He hangs up l wondered what he had planned for us and only us hopefully.

I hear my name being called downstairs so l went downstairs and saw three dishes with rice and soup with some meat. "Your father will-" she was interrupted by the door opening and closing it was my dad l went up to him and hugged him he embraced my hug. "Hey." He says smilling l smile back. "Hello." I take his bag and go upstairs with it and put it into my moms and dads room. I head back downstairs and sit by the table next to my mom and start to eat in silence. "So stella this weekend l am going to have a party and l would really love to show off your boyfriend...but you dont have one." I sigh in my mind why did she want me to have a boyfriend so badly. "Okay uhm how about we do this l will get a boyfriend by the end of the week but break up with him after." The house turned quiet and my dad was just eating his food peacefully while my mom thought. "Okay but you know who to bring." I roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah yeah."

My mom always had an obssession with me dating black men which l didnt find any problem to it but l just hate when she tells me which race l can only date it feels a bit racist..

I soon was done eating l loaded my plate before going upstairs and heading off to bed.

I wake up the next morning and stretch before heading to the bathroom and showering after showering l turned my hair into a small bun and wore a nice light pink dress l was hoping that me and mason would just have have a chill day and nothing crazy. I look at my phone and it was 10am so l texted mason asking him which time he wanted to meet me. While l waited for his response l went downstairs and made myself some cereals. I had put some corn flakes into a bowl then sugar and milk. I eat my food then load my plate before going upstairs. I get into my room and look at my phone mason had sent me a new text he said he would pick me up at 10:30am l text him back the thumbs up emoji.

It was currently 10:20 so l had about 10 minutes left. I go to the bathroom and take my tooth brush and put the toothpaste on it then brushed away. Whenever l brushed my teeth l brush too hard causing my gums to bleed but l was used to it by now.

I was done brushing my teeth after three minutes. so l flossed them. I got out of the bathroom once l was done and then l put on some flower smelling perfume and l also took my purse and put my phone into it. I was ready l looked fresh and beautiful. I heard a car honk outside l assumed it was mason so l rushed down the stairs and saw my mom on her phone while drinking what looked to be tea. "Where are you heading to?" My mom asks. "Uhm lm going to hang out with my best friend." She looks at me strangely before beginning her sentence.

"Okay be safe."
"Thanks." I leave the house and get into masons car. "Hey." He says with a smile l smile back. "Hi." He had a pretty casual outfit a black shirt and white jean shorts it looked great on him though. I close the car door and he starts to drive. Luckily his girlfriend wasnt there to interrupt anything l felt like me and him were falling apart because of her. "So how have you been?" I ask out of the blue because of being bored. "Well lm okay you know its a bit hard to balance everything going on in my life right now but im fine for now what about you?" I was glad he was being honest with me these days he barely even talked to me. "Im good."
"Oh thats great." He soon stops the car. "We are here." It was a nice field l was wondering what were going to do here but l just got out of the car and closed the car door behind me he comes up to me and holds my hand while looking at me l felt this feeling in my stomach it wasnt a bad feeling but a sense of relief l felt like my stomach had reseted. "Lets go." I smile and we walk up the little cliff and there it was. It was a nicely set up picnic l was excited and happy we go towards the picnic mat still hand in hand for some reason l felt like this was secretly wrong but we are just best friends.

We sit down on the picnic mat we stare at each other for a moment l admire his face. He had light brown shinning eyes that looked like the desert in the sun. I could stare at those fascinating patterns in his eyes the whole day. His eyebrows looked well kept not too bushy but also not too flat. He had a v shaped jawline and a dimple by his lips whenever he smiled. He also had nice pink lips that looked so cute and lastly he had light brown hair it was neat and nicely styled . "Stella?" I snap out of my trance. "Sorry l just got lost." He smiles and chuckles. "Its okay." He slowly removes his hand from mine l felt sad about it but whatever. "So do you wanna eat?" I think about it l had already eaten so l had to decline the offer for now. "Nah im good maybe we can just talk lm pretty sure we have something to talk about." He looks at me. "Okay sure. You first what happened in your life in these past few weeks?" My life was pretty boring but l had to tell him something intresting or else he would not tell me his stuff.
"Well you know l went out with my family for a bit of vacation." I say laying down staring at the sky he does the same. "Oh thats nice. Did you make any friends?" I sigh. "No." He was my one and only friend the person that had been there since day one its not that people didnt want to be my friend its just that l have a bit of social anxiety. "Oh..." he goes quiet. "How about you?" I ask turning my head to his neck. "Well l went out with my girlfriend on vacation too." I notice something on his neck but before looking closer l responded. "Oh tell me more." He continues to talk but l didnt register it as im trying to see whats on his neck. It was a red spot. After thinking for a bit l thought it was a hickey. "Oh thats nice." I say randomly l dont know if he even finished his sentence l just wanted to seem like l was engaging in the conversation. "Yeah it really was. Anyways uhm...l didnt want to bring this up but my girlfriend said that you might be jealous of us..."

I was shocked why the hell would she say that l wasnt intrested in him. "Im not jealous of you guys or anyone and plus l have a boyfriend." He stays silent for a bit. " Yeah l dont know why l thought that and you have a boyfriend?"

"Mhm." He stays silent again before whispering. "Fuck." I clearly heard that. "What?" I ask. "Oh uhm good for you."
"Thanks." He sighs silently but l could still hear it l hear grass being squashed. "So uhm l just want us to do something real quick. "l look up at him and see that he was sitting up l also sit up. "Yeah?" I ask a bit confused. "Can we promise that we will stay friends no matter what?" I think about it for a bit. "Sure."i say with a smile he smiles back at me and makes his hand turn into a pinkie l did the same and we twisted our pinkies together we both smile at each other. "Im glad l have you as my best friend." My heart melted from his soft kind words. "Me too." He hugs me it was random but l accepted it.

best friends forever right? (Taking A Break)Where stories live. Discover now