Chapter 26 - Favour Asking

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"We have noticed that the serpents hid themselves in the cave, only comin' out at dusk to feast on us." The mayor declared melancholy, mourning at the deaths of his citizens. His brown eyes dragged down in despair.

"I had to put my people in a lockdown, no one was allowed to go outside after past midnight. Yet it won' stop the serpents from tearing the houses 'em apart."

The creator was left in a state of shock as she discovered the serpent's behavior. Their actions were quite unbelievable to her. It seemed like the corrupt monsters had grown smarter and bolder, tearing the houses apart just to feast on the innocents' souls. The creator assumed that the serpents had gathered strength on each of their attacks in this town, they were likely harder to be defeated.

"You did a smart move and a good job." Praised Felicia, despite the monster's behavior, she was stunned by the mayor's intelligence and care for his people. She gave him a nod of approval, acknowledging his effective leadership.

"Don't worry, Mister Mayor. We will handle the serpents in no time!" Sarah assured him, her bright blue eyes glistened with hope. With Felicia by her side, she felt a surge of confidence and bravery.

"Is there anything this town could offer to reward y'all? For your kindness in helping us." The mayor asked.

"No need." Sarah's words were accompanied by a wiggling of her hand, as if to further emphasize her refusal.

"What about you, Your Majesty?" The mayor genuinely turned to the buff creator.

Felicia had a raised eyebrow on the inquiry. Not for the mayor but for herself.

The idea of the mayor fulfilling her reward briefly occurred to her, but she quickly realized she could manifest things without any external assistance. She could create anything in mind, she had everything.

"I believe there is nothing in your possession that is worth what I want." Felicia shrugged it off, being utterly honest. Sure, what did they have to give her? She acquired all she needed, and she never hesitated to speak her mind about it.

The mage darted her eyes at the prideful creator in disbelief.

"Of course, your highness. You had 'em everything." The mayor frowned with a smile.

But she reminded herself about Mocha, who was still entertaining the kids with his joyous plays. Her intellect was visited by a pleasing suggestion. Her face, which had been devoid of emotion, now twisted into a delighted smile as an idea dawned on her.

"But I could ask you a favor," Felicia smirked.

"You see...this guy is an honored traveler," Felicia said as she pulled Mocha by his shoulder and dragged him closer to her, away from the kids and to the presence of the mayor. "He had been traveling around the globe, yet he was not familiar with this town."

"Could you perhaps show him around, this town that I built? While we handle the serpents of course." Felicia said, her smug facade plastered on her face. She patted his shoulder, the loud thud blared between them due to her big hands. Mocha jerked between pats, with a flush on his face.

"Wonderful! A simple request we sure can handle 'em, Your Majesty. Mr kitty here can hang 'round!"The minister of the west town hailed, happy to reward her even if in such a simple request.

"Yeay! We had Mr kitty all to ourselves!" Cheered the kids. They jumped and giggled in bliss.

"Here mister, You have to see our playground first!" A feisty yet adorable boy pulled his arm, and dragged him away from the two immortals.

Finally, Felicia did not have to worry about the werecat as he was safe in the town's hands. She longed for everything to work out smoothly, wishing to simply return home at the end of the day. After being friend-zoned by her crush, after being let down incidentally by her love interest, a restful slumber seemed like a peaceful retreat from the painful reality of her unrequited love.

Felicia noticed that Mocha struggled against his adorable captors, but in the end, he could not break free. His body was dragged by the lovely children who were excited about his presence. He looked back at Felicia with a worried expression, but Felicia only snickered and waved goodbye teasingly.

After Mocha was out of sight, the smile of the creator was wiped from her face instantly.

"Will it take long? Your Majesty?" The mayor asked, worriedly.

"Depends on the serpents' agility and power. Since there are two of us, it'll be done in a few minutes or so." Pride took the best of the creator, and confidently assured the scared mayor.

"Aight! That'sa relief! I will go to my office. If anything happens let me know immediately. I have some paperwork to do." The honored town leader made a polite gesture of gratitude and then made his exit so as to authorize the two to continue their business.

A quiet moment passed between the two best friends. Felicia remained silent, consumed by her thoughts, attempting to digest the emotions that she was experiencing.

"You really let a man pull you down like that huh?" Sarah teased, breaking the awkward silence.

"What?"Felicia was caught entirely off guard, her cheeks turning a rosy hue as she attempted to evade others' awareness of her obvious emotional reaction.

"You like him don't you?"


"He is good with kids, though. I assure you of that." Sarah winked at the flushed creator.

"Hm." Felicia hummed, looking away.

"You don't want something? He seemed to be in a good mood."

"He had a major mood swings, Sarah." The creator muttered.

"And?" Sarah queried, her tone dripping with contempt. "Why does it matter?" She folded her arms across her chest, raised her head, and shifted her hair at precisely the same time.

The creator could only give her a deadpan face.

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