Chapter 29 - Worse Than Evil

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"Maybe it was the price I paid for my sovereign of pride." She muttered.

Felicia was overwhelmed by a suffocating sense of despair, as if a relentless tide threatened to engulf her. Her eyes, filled with bitter anguish, flickered with the haunting images of her painful past, intensifying the weight of her decision to sacrifice herself through suicide.

Despite a 'fake' nagging intention in her mind, a persistent thought that etched itself into her brain. The dark emphasis itself could not let the vessel, Felicia, die. Her senses heightened, her pulse quickened, as if a surge of strength coursed through her veins.

 Her plan worked. Yet, the impending attack of the serpent left her paralyzed, her mind blank, searching desperately for a retort that eluded her grasp.

Sarah's massive scythe sliced through the air, sending a wave of energy crashing into the serpent's face. Felicia's mind snapped to reality, and a wave of relief washed over her, causing her eyes to widen.

"Are you dozing off??!!" Sarah yelled.

The mage stood amidst swirling trails of shimmering power, her three purple daggers held aloft. As her eyes emitted radiant streams of energy, her mind commanded the daggers to obey her will. With a sudden lurch forward, she thrust her long scythe into the serpent's left eye, eliciting a deafening growl from the beast. Sarah swiftly leaped into the air, landing upon the slithering body. She ran into the monster and dug her curved blade into the serpentine flesh, the pointy sharp weapon sliced through, rending the upper body open, filling the air with the scent of blood and the sound of the creature's agony.

Her purple daggers sliced and scarred the serpent's face, the wound dripped its venomous blood. The impact of the daggers created a momentary distraction, shifting the monster's attention.

As her best friend came in hand, Felicia's wide smirk conveyed her satisfaction, while the dark emphasis implied her mind to hold the barrier. The corrupted power within her conveyed a helping hand.

"You wouldn't let me die would you?" She mocked the corrupted power she held for centuries, Felicia knew it had its one voiceless mind, as it became an anonymous mute person living inside her, only could snarl and growl. It tried to take full control of its owner, but Felicia would never let it happen.

"You are going to help me defeat the serpents, or I will let myself die." She retorted, her fake thinking paid off. Nonetheless the dark emphasis failed to take over her mind, it even fell into her trap. It very sickening thing itself that gave up on Felicia and followed her command.

Her body by itself and not by her will, stumbled forward from the standing position she'd been in for too long and seized her axe that was covered in the sand.

"I am in control, you jerk." She smirked. The prideful creator taunted her corrupted power.

Felicia, with her heart throbbing with adrenaline rushing through her veins, dashed towards the other serpent that had been relentlessly attacking her diamond barrier. With her eyes fixed on the serpent, she noticed how its body twisted and turned as it tried to penetrate the wall. Without hesitation, she took a powerful leap and landed right on top of the serpent's head. Her sharp axe made contact with the serpent's scaly skin as she impaled it with both of her hands, causing it to let out a deafening cry.

The serpent's body jerked violently in pain, and its head was now pinned to the golden terrain. Felicia took advantage of the situation and quickly hopped onto the serpent's back. She held onto the serpent's black scales tightly, her knuckles turning white with the effort.

As Felicia was facing the barrier, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Mocha behind it. The distance between them was only a few meters. Mocha's eyes were filled with both terror and amazement–the hazel in his irises reflected the light of the sunlight around them. As they made eye contact for a second that seemed like an eternity, Felicia felt as if her unrequited love had finally noticed her and was looking at her with a passion that she had never seen before.

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