Introduction: Bloodshed at Sea.

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Yeah I made another Ruby Gillman story. I couldn't help it because this idea wouldn't leave my head when I began to think of other giant sea monsters. Then I thought back to a song by Peyton Parrish named Jörmungandr. You know, the world serpent of Norse mythology? Only in this story, I'm putting my own spin on it.

In short, this story was spawned from an idea I had after listening to the song for awhile.

I'm gonna try my best to make some differences so it's not an exact copy of my first Ruby Gillman story: "Ruby Gillman and the Teenage Sea Monster."

I'd also like to thank DemonicDeku1 for being such big help with this chapter.

Anyways, enjoy the introduction!


Somewhere far out at sea, trouble is brewing beneath the waves. Within the deep blue expanse of water, we see a school of fish swimming about without a care. That is until the fish get spooked when something quickly swims by like a bullet. Seconds later, four more follow behind.

We soon get a good look at what, or who, is swimming so fast. A woman with caucasian skin, long black hair, red colored irises, and her lower half where she should have legs is replaced with silver scales, and a fish-like fin at the end.

She is a mermaid.

In her arms, she's carrying something tightly yet gently for dear life, and it's wrapped up in a fabric as she holds it close. In fact, it's the very reason why she's being chased.

Who's chasing her? More mermaids, and she's desperately trying not to get caught.

She then navigated through rocks and corals to get them to split up.

The four lose sight of her, so the mermaids traverse different paths in order to find her.

"Find her!" The leading mermaid ordered.

The runaway mermaid continued to swim for her life in order to keep her precious cargo safe, and out of their clutches...

... out of her clutches.

She swam faster.

Yet she suddenly stops when she hears something swim by. She looks around with wide eyes filled with fear, but sees nothing. When she turns around, she's met with a spear pointing at her face, and she gasps in fright.

"You traitor!" The leading mermaid shouted angrily.

"No, please! Stay away! Stay away!" The runaway begged.

"I'll kill you for this!"

"You don't understand, please! He's just a baby! MY baby!"

"He's a living weapon."

"No he's not! She wants to make him into one, and you know it!"

"Of course I know that, you idiot! Which is why she wants him back, and wants you DEAD!"

Yes, the thing the runaway mermaid has been carrying in her arms is in fact her baby. But why would this baby be a possible threat? You'll have to see.

The other mermaids began to converge, and surround her on all sides. Each holding a spear towards her, and the baby in her arms began to cry.

"Please! Stop! Don't do this!" The runaway mermaid pleaded.

"Time to die, traitor." The leading mermaid stated.

Suddenly, a shadow looms over them group, and they look up to see a ship... a scarily familiar ship.

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