❄️Tale of the Princess❄️

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Thoughts: I'll say it once, and I'll say it again I do not like the motherboards or things with pictures. I will accept them if it's like the beginning of the story, showing whatever you want to show. But I'm about to read your story, and you have pictures, so I'm confused because I think you're just showing me who's going to be in your characters or whatnot. And then I start going through it and realize, oh no, this is part of the story. For me, that throws me off. I don't want to see pictures; I want to read your story and know that it's a story and not wonder if I'm in the story part or not, so for me, that totally threw me off. On top of again, I will say it again, and I don't care who agrees with me or not: I don't like YouTube videos. When I pause them, they don't stay paused, so I have to listen to all of your music while I'm reading, and that is very distracting. The only good thing for now that I do appreciate is the cover; the cover is beautiful. The story starts off very slow, but besides that, it's a really good story. The Character development really a slow pace, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be amazing as it continues. Sometimes, having a slow pace of character development is good because you don't want to go too fast, and then you lose the interest of your readers.
I love the story. The story seems like a really good story, and it definitely is an original story. You can definitely tell that the author put their heart and soul into making the story. And you can see that through the characters; you can see that through everything that they have created. It's very well written. I didn't see anything that needed to be corrected. Everything flowed right. It was a really good story. I only read chapter one, but once again, sometimes we need one chapter to give it a good enough sense to know whether I would continue the story or not. The only thing that I am struggling with is, as I said, I do not like YouTube, and I do not like the storyboard type thingies. So, for me, seeing that they seem like they're in every chapter, I would not continue this story. Because it's too distracting for me and I have ADD, so for me that's just too much going on. But all in all, the story is a very beautiful story in The author should be proud of themselves for the story they have created

Thank you for letting me review your story. 📚
🪷A. D🪷
Chapter I read:1
Recommend yes/ no? Yes
Summary of book

Princess Shyra's life has only extended till planet Ziya and she doesn't know how to look beyond helping her people. As far as she's concerned, she's being trained to rule her entire life, and it's the only goal she's ever known.Cue the handsome prince sweeping her off her feet and showing her new dimensions of herself. Cue the dilemma as she is pulled apart by the choice between duty and love, honor and heart. Charming princes make for great husbands, after all.But fate has even darker things in store for her. Shyra finds her life upturned and her moralities questioned as her husband is stolen and she has to make the toughest choices of her life. Does she go after her beloved husband, or stay back and deal with the political turmoil going through her kingdom.And even if she chases him, who would come to the aid of a woman who's looking for her husband all alone?

Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.

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