Chapter 30 - Seeking Reconnaissance

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"Sarah, Would you mind...taking care of Mocha for a while?" Said Felicia.

"Why? Where are you going?" Sarah questioned, she turned her head to her best friend.

In the midst of the arid western town, the sun blazed down on them, casting harsh shadows across their faces. They stood facing each other, eyes locked in a tense stare-down. The wind whipped around them, kicking up clouds of sand that stung their skin.

Following their victory over the serpents, which had previously threatened the safety of the charming town, Felicia was left with a sudden unresolved issue that weighed heavily on her mind. Despite the relief that came with the eradication of this perilous threat, Felicia had something specific that needed her attention and focus.

Felicia and Sarah had saved the day and the eternal years coming for the town. The residents couldn't help but express their admiration and appreciation towards her. They cheered and clapped, their faces beaming with joy and relief. The children, who were once frightened and anxious, now jumped and played, carefree and happy. The women, who had been constantly worried about their loved ones' safety, let out a collective sigh of relief. 

The mayor approached Felicia, his eyes filled with gratitude and admiration. He thanked her for her bravery and acknowledged that without her, the situation could have ended disastrously. The residents continued to praise her and express their recognition of her benevolence. Felicia's act of heroism had not only saved the day but had also brought the community together, strengthening the bond and trust among the people.

"I have...some personal business to do." The creator muttered. She discreetly summoned her black cloak behind her. The edge of the cloth spun around in the rough road.

"You need to stop keeping secrets from me Felicia, you're acting like I am a stranger," Sarah said, nonchalantly placing her hands on her waist. "Or am I really a stranger now?"

"I just asked you for a favor, you don't have to go that far." Felicia growled, her deep voice raised and her brows snapped.

"Just tell me why... I don't like it when you're acting like this." Sarah sighed.

Felicia's chest expanded and her shoulders rose as she took a deep breath. The sound of her exhalation echoed in the air, sounding almost like a mocking sigh. She peered her golden gaze on Mocha, who was speaking with avid and comfortability, as if he owned the entire town. Her eyes followed the movement of his wagging tail and twitching ears, noting every little movement. Then, she shifted her focus to his little smile, which revealed his tiny kitty fangs.

"I need to go to the Eternal Afiat." The creator switched her gaze to the immortal standing short in front of her. The seriousness in her expression was evident from her stern face.

"Sorry, what?"

"I need to go back to the Eternal Afiat."

"Why?! You're going back?! Sylvia would notice! You are going to get kille-" Sarah gasped, her body jerking as her fingers unconsciously folded in on themselves.

"Hush." Felicia hissed. And with that, Sarah silenced herself. Her eyes stared back bravely at the creator who always stood tall and hovered over her.

"I need to ask her for help..." Felicia said quietly.

 "What possible help do you need..-"

"I'll tell you when I got back, just...just take care of that werecat while I'm gone. Don't let him get lost or do anything... outrageous nor stupid." Felicia said. Her cloak rested on her shoulder, always within reach to be worn.

A daring face only contorted, "Cut me some slack, Fel."

"Please." The creator begged.

Sarah sighed, she was left with no choice. "Alright." Sarah turned around to walk to the traveler but then came to an abrupt stop. She twisted her head towards the creator, "What do you want me to tell him?"

Felicia remained silent for a while, seemingly lost in thought.

"Just say I have some work to do, he wouldn't care less." Felicia said, darting her eyes away. Whether she was present or not, Mocha didn't care. He was too absorbed in the joyous moment to care about Felicia's significance, the creator believed.

"Pssh, Okay. When will you be back? It's literally...almost evening now." The immortal asked.

"Maybe before nightfall, I'll be quick."

Sarah nodded in approval and ambled to her best friend's unrequited lover. "Hey, Mocha."

"Yes?" The brown cat replied. His smile almost faded when she saw Felicia wearing her cloak from afar. "Are we leaving?"


"Then where is she going?" Mocha replied hastily, his neck craned on the visual of Felicia who was slowly fading away.

"She has some personal work to do, you and I have to stay here for a while. You don't mind right?" The telekinetist asked as she switched her gaze to the creator and the traveler.

"Sure! No problem at all!" 

Sarah could only manage a wry smile. She was concerned about what to do with her friend's condition, who seemed to be half-manic and half-sane. She worried about her, on how she handled the situation that could have happened at the headquarters without drawing too much attention to herself. She knew that even the slightest hint of her unease would be noticed by the superiors. Especially the dark emphasis she manifested for years, the energy will be a split second to be noticed by every immortal available there.

"Please don't do anything stupid, Felicia..." The mage hoped.

The Creator's Past | AnotherWorld: OriginalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin