Chapter Fifteen

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Akari POV

I don't know what's going on....but I know that what's about to happen is about to put our lives at risk.....

It's not been a lot of days since I've been here, and I am starting to like it here its...different from masters home, and the food tastes better. I still gave to sit in jail when we go places in this thing called a car.

I'm learning my colors, and something called manners is where you say please and thank you, and yes ma'am and yes, sir and stuff like that.

I woke up looking around my room. i saw some cat toys. I don't really know why I have those in here, but I guess there is for when I get bored.

"Cmon, baby Akari," Daddy said, waking me up. I opened my eyes and looked at him. I couldn't see his cloudy figure without my glasses.

He Booped my nose, making me sneeze, and then he sat me up, putting my glasses on my face. Daddy said that if I was really good that he would take me to meet his class, but I dont know. I stretched my arms and and yawned "daddy?" I asked him, making him turn he had just gotten my clothes out of the drawer,

"Yes, baby?" He asked me, raising his eyebrow. "When tan I meet your class?," I asked him. Oh, that's another thing I've been working on.  My speech. I still pronounce some things badly, but it's getting better.

"Do you think you're ready?" He asked me why wouldn't I be ready?
I nodded my head yes, confused. "I just ask because my class is loud and you don't typically like loud noises and there un organized and you a.....very organized person.

It's true I don't like things out of place it makes me not be happy.
"Yes, Daddy, I'm ready." I nodded, happy."Okay baby, tomorrow if you still wanna go, then we'll go, yeah?"

....But I wanna go now.... regardless of my feelings, I nodded, not wanting him to be mad at me for disagreeing with him. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom. "Brush your teeth he said, rolling up his sleeves.

He had two black tattoos. One of them was a kitty in flowers, and the other one was a word in fancy writing. I got done brushing my teeth and looked at him.

"Daddy?" I questioned he turned around from my closet. "Did someone forget to color you?" I asked, and he chuckled."What?"

I pointed at his arm "no no no that's how I wanted it." he lifted my arms up, getting me dressed in a warm sweater and some leggings

"I think it should be colored." I said officially, "If you say so." He lifted me up off the counter.......


Did I forget to mention......

Today's my first day of school?

"Do you want to eat before we leave or when we get there?" Daddy asked me. I said I wanted to eat here, and he took me to the kitchen where I was met with Bubba and Mama. 

"Hey, sweet baby," toshi said, picking me up and giving me a strawberry. I ate some strawberry, and then Daddy took me to school, and Mama took toshi. "Are you excited for your first day?"

I nodded nervously. What if they didn't like me? What if they hate me? Soon enough, the car came to a stop, and Daddy got out of the car.

He opened my door, taking me out of the carseat and putting me out of the car. He grabbed my hand, and we walked into the school.

"So you have Mrs. Rosabelle," i nodded he took me to her class and kneeled down and gave me a kiss on the cheek "your gonna do great," I nodded, and he then sent me on my way into the class room.

"Ahh, you must be the new student, akari?" She asked me. I nodded she then booped my nose,

"Okay, class, listen up!" She raised her voice a bit. I could tell she was a sweet woman. "Today I would like you to welcome a new student her name is Akari." they all looked at me and said hi.

"You can sit next to kotah....kotah honey, could you raise your hand?" She asked him as he raised his hand he had a red hat on with horns coming out of it. I walked over and put my kitty backpack down.

I sat down next to him as the teacher put out some coloring sheets. "Yall can color for the time being." I got a color and started coloring the page.

My ears flicked as I listened to the people around me, specifically the boys' table on the other side of the room. "Did you see her cat ears and glasses? What a nerd." They all laughed at the joke he had just made.

What was nervousness just turned into sadness.

"Ignore them they're just losers that don't know what they're talking about." I nodded, and he looked at me."What's your quirk?" I looked at my ears "cat I cand do things like a cat" he nodded and smiled is it funny is it dumb?

"That's cool, my quirks, water gun. I can splash water from my hands. " 

"I hate water,"  I told him he gave a weird look. "I would assume so... I mean your half cat"

That's how it went the rest of the class time he talked to me and I talked to him and before we knew it we had become close friends I mean I think so ive never had a friend before.

I showed him my picture of a unicorn it was perfectly colored just a few mistakes, but he said he liked it, and I liked his it was of a race car, and the race car was what I now know as the color blue.

"Okay, children, line up for Recess"

•Broken Kitty• Aizawa x CHILD! Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now