Chapter 32 - A Creator's Lost

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"I lost it..." Felicia muttered.

"You want me to find your lost creation?" Sylvia suggested.

Felicia shook her head.

''Then?" The CEO of the Immortal Society tilted her head in confusion.

Felicia was formulating her response when unexpectedly, the sound of a sharp knock on the door momentarily startled her. Just as she was about to start answering, the door creaked open, and a manager walked in. She felt a brief moment of frustration, causing her eyebrows to furrow and pucker in irritation.

"Miss Scarlina, I kindly request that you sign this." A man with glasses handed her a clipboard with documents and a pen.

"Sure thing. Felicity, could you wait?" Sylvia politely pleaded.

"Sure." Her annoyance was palpable in her voice, which emanated a clear annoyance that could be felt by everyone in the room.

Acknowledging the creator's presence, the man lifted his eyes to meet Felicia's, he was taken aback by her striking presence. In his stunned silence, a sharp and audible gasp echoed throughout the room, leaving Sylvia at a loss for words. Feeling a hint of suspicion, Sylvia leaned closer to him to whisper something in his ear, the weight of gravity now heavily upon her. 

"You can sense it?"

 Felicia focused her gaze on her lips, she tilted her head from side to side, trying out various movements with her mouth, as though she were a ventriloquist's dummy. She was deep in thought, whispering her words so only she could hear them, and carefully watching the movement of her lips, as they formed a sentence that seemed to perfectly sync up with the sound of her inner thoughts.

"Sense? Does the man sense it? How so?" Felicia began to worry.

Sylvia's pink and gold eyes discreetly glanced at Felicia, catching a glimpse of the mischievous twinkle. With a quick glance back at the man, she nodded to signal her understanding. 

"Sensing what?" Uneasy by the situation happening in front of her, she voiced.

 They whisper as if it was something private that Felicia wasn't allowed to hear, yet she does anyway. They acted as if she wasn't present in the room, which made her impatient and ignored.

"Nothing, just some sense testing, he is sick today." Sylvia lied briefly. 

The man quickly grabbed the signed document and made a run for it, causing Felicia's head to trail along after him, watching his fast-paced movements with an analytical eye.

"Might I ask as to the man's behavior?" She asked.

"Don't you worry, he's new. Now where were we?" Sylvia smiled wryly. Her elbow propped up on the table.

 "My regeneration," The creator repeated, she could almost feel the burden weighing on her shoulder. Her pride was scarred at the moment, she felt vulnerable.

The heterochromia eyes widened, surprised and confused. Sylvia laid her back on the chair, switching her interlaced hands on her lap.

"I don't understand," Sylvia said.

With a soft sigh escaping her lips, Felicia slowly raised her hand, the anticipation evident in her eyes. Suddenly, a radiant beam of light illuminated her palm, casting a warm glow on her skin. Moments later, a shimmering knife materialized in thin air, its polished blade glinting in the light. As it descended, a subtle whoosh cut through the silence, reaching Felicia's ears. With swift reflexes, she effortlessly caught the knife in her palm, feeling the cool, solid weight of it against her skin.

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