Chapter Sixteen

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Akari POV

we all got in a single file line and waited to be let out of the room. "What's Recess?" I asked kotah, and he looked at me confused."Recess is where we get to play outside?," he explained with a huff. I nodded. We just got to play outside? Seems simple enough.

"Okay, children, does anyone remember the three most important rules when we have play time outside?" She asked, and a couple of hands went up.

"No quirks," a little girl said she was a bit bigger than me, but then again, everyone is. "Correct, Emi." she smiled and praised her. Another kid got called on, "No throwing things." The boy said

"Yes. Does anyone remember the golden rule?" She asked we actually there in silence for a moment before she spoke and broke the silence. "Treat others the was you would like to be treated"

And with that, we went out onto the playground. Kotah took my hand, and we went to the swings it was around a corner, which was a bit out of the teachers vision.
We sat on the swings and talked for a little while.

I like kotah he doesn't make fun of me when I mispronounce words or wrong Grammer like how other kids do.

"Well well well if it isn't the kitty herself," a group of three boys walked up in front of us one in the front and two next to him.

"Go away, Aoi," kotah said. Aoi? That's a dumb name. We both got off the swings. I didn't want to be here anymore. I would like to be with Mama and Daddy now.

"Aww, us kotah standing but for the new girl?" He said in a taunting voice. Kotah balled up his fist. "Can the helpless kitty not protect herself?" He said, looking at me he grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward.

"You're nothing compared to me,"

"You're so threatened by me that you had to say it out loud?"

I asked. Taunting him, he balled up his first on my shirt and lifted his arm up, pulling it back, ready to punch me.

I dodged. Unfortunately for him, he did hit me on the shoulder. I scratched him onto his face, making him bleed instantly. I saw kotah fighting the other kids.

We kept fighting until Mrs. Rosabelle came over. "KOTAH! AKARI! AOI!" she yelled as she broke the fight up, but I didn't listen. I hit him again as he kept being mean to us.

I was pulled off of him by the principal, and Aoi was pulled apart by the teacher. "Let's get yall to the nurse while I notify your guardians she walked us to the nurse while walking. Aoi stuck his tongue out at me.

I remembered what Daddy did when he got mad at someone he stuck up the middle finger, so I stuck up my middle finger and  laughed at him.

Aizawa POV.

"What does X equa-" *RING RING RING* "One second class" I apologized and answered the phone "Hello?" I said, annoyed that someone's called during my lesson.

"Hello, am I speaking with aizawa Shouta?" The unidentified lady asked "yes this is he, whom am I speaking to?" Some girls came up to my dest trying to listen. They quietly asked me what was going on.

I shrugged my shoulders, confused. "This is Cindy Park's Akaris principal. I'm just calling to tell you that Akari has gotten in a fight with another kid, and I would like you to come up here to talk to her teacher and collect her" I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"I'll be there in a couple of minutes," I said, hanging up the phone and not giving her the time of day.

I rubbed my face in frustration. "Mr.aizawa, what happened?" Momo asked me confused "ill tell yall when I get back," I told them, getting I coat on, ready to walk out.

"Iida. Momo. You both are in charge until I get back lesson plans on the desk. Do you have any problems calling Mic or nezu? I'll be back."

With that, I left.


I pulled up to the school, getting out of the car and walking inside. "Mr. aizawa, I'm glad you're here she's over here." I nodded.

She pulled us into her office. I saw Akari was already sitting down with a tear stained face. She was looking at the ground with her hands in her lap. The principal sat in her chair while I sat in the other chair.

"Okay, so today on the playground her and another boy were playing on the wings when a group of three boys came up and picked a fight with her."

"Okay and? She stood up for herself." I snapped."She will be suspended for the next four days. " I nodded, looking at akari she was still looking at the ground."What are the boys' punishments?" I asked her

"They will be suspended for the next two weeks" I nodded and stood up "if you ever call be about some bull shit like this again I will get one of my most obnoxious students to come down here and deal with this shit and it will get very ugly very fast. That's your first and last warning, " I told the lady.

"Cmon Akari let's blow this bitch"

We left the school and got into the car she was looking out the window sad I pointed my rear view mirror towards her to see her "What's wrong baby" I asked her she looked at me then the ground.

"Are you mad?" She asked me, making Mt hear break."Not at you, baby cakes just at some people that think wasting my time is funny." she nodded.

I need something to cheer her up.

I pulled up into the McDonald's drive through "Yeah can I get one happy meal with a small apple juice and 1 large dr.pepper"

I gave her her food, and we headed to the place she would be for the next four days

•Broken Kitty• Aizawa x CHILD! Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now