chapter fourteen

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After two hours of hard work l was finished and now l had to get ready to go out so l went to the bathroom and showered then l wore a nice pink long glittery dress that fitted me perfectly. Then l sprayed some sweet coconut smelling perfume. I was ready l told micheal my house address and soon l heared a honk. My mother bursted into the room with excitment in her eyes. "His here his here!"

"Yes thank you mom anyways goodbye." I quickly hug my mom before getting out the door. I see him wave l wave back to him before getting into his car. "Hey."
"Hi." I say putting the seatbelt around my waist. He kisses my cheek. "You look so beautiful." I smile. "Thank you." He starts up the car and drives. We listen to some nice tunes on the radio. And soon we arrive to a fancy looking restaurant. " You ready my love?" I nod while smilling. We get out of the car and he holds my hand l finally felt a connection between me and him and if he was a romantic he would win me over for sure.

We get into the restauraunt and sit by a table and the inside looked so fancy yet romantic it had a red and black theme to it. I look at the menu and some things were very expensive and l did not want to make his pockets hurt.

"So l know this is weird and l most probably should have asked you this earlier but what grade are you in?"

"Eleven." I say. "Oh cool lm in grade twelve."

"Oh okay."

"Hello what would you two like to order on this lovely day?" The waiter says smilling. "Uhm can l just have the Alfredo pasta?"

"Of course and you sir?"

"I will have the same."

"Alright and drinks?"

"Just water please." I say. "I will just have a lemonade."

"Okay your orders will be here shortly."

The waiter leaves and it was just me and him and l did not know how to start a conversation and it looked like he didnt also know so l just pulled something out of my ass.

"So how was your last realationship?" I didnt have anything else that came to mind so l asked that. "Oh uhm it wasnt the greatest the girl was just using me as a rebound."

"Oh im so sorry."

"Its okay it was like 5 months ago and you?"

"Oh...uhm l have never been in a...realationship." l say a bit embarrassed. "Oh thats okay l have only date 2 girls in my whole life. Anyways you and your other friend seem kinda close.."

I was confused what did he mean by "close."
"Oh we have been friends for all of my life so yeah."

"Oh okay he seems very protective though."

"Yeah he is." I say with an uncomfortable laugh. Soon enough our orders came and we started to eat. The pasta was fantastic it was so creamy and chewy and l had never tasted anything like that before.

When we finished he paid for the meal and we left. "Where to now?"
"Its a suprise!" He says with a smile. He opens the back door and gets something out it was a red ribbon. "Here wear this." I take the ribbon and cover my eyes with it. Then l get into the car. I really wanted to see this suprise and l was a bit impatient. But after what seemed to be forever he took off the ribbon l look around and it was a hotel. "What is this for?"
"For us." He says with a big smile l went with it and we went inside of the hotel it also looked nice but not really fancy. "Hello sir how may l help you?"
"Hello l booked a room here."

"Oh please tell me your name and surname."
"Micheal johns."

"Alright your room is in 47 have a good night sir." Micheal takes my hand and we go to the elevator. We wait a bit before the elevator doors opened. We soon find the room and we go inside. the room was a dark red colour. I was very suprised. He closes the door behind me. "Wow this looks wow." I say to him. When l turned to look at him he had a bunch of roses in his hands. "This is for you my love." I smile brightly and take the roses and smell them. "Thank you." I kiss him. "So uhm l was wondering if maybe you wanted to you know have sex?" I thought about it but l felt like it was just way too early for that. "No lm sorry but l just feel like its not the right moment." He looked sad but he brightened up. "Its okay as long you are happy." I smile. He comes a bit closer before holding my waist and kissing me he was still a terrible kisser but that was okay maybe l could teach him a lesson or two. "Movie night?" I nod and put the roses on the tv stand. We get into the bed and watch movies until we fell asleep.

The next morning l woke up and stretched and micheal wasnt there l was confused so l got out of bed and looked for a bit but it would be impossible for him to be in the room. I sigh but then l see him pop out of nowhere and he said boo l scream a bit and he started to laugh. I grabbed a pillow and l lightly hit him while smilling. "Not funny."
"Oh it was anyways we should get going now." He was right l had to go back home and change out of this or people would think l just got out of a casino. "Alright lets go." We exit the hotel and he drives me back home. "See you at school babe."
"See ya." He kisses my cheek and l get out of the car and get into my house. I had to change quickly so l went upstairs and changed very fast. Luckily my mom was still here so she could drive me to school

I soon make it to school l quickly kissed my moms cheek and left her car. I run to school and the bell had just rang so l had to go to class. First class was english.

After some classes l was tired and l really wanted to go back home but it was break time l sit by my usual table but its just that this time it had a bird poop stain on it but l did not care. I reach into my bag and l didnt find any food l curse to myself l did not bring my lunch. I sigh l did not bring money with me either and l was starving. I held my stomach as l heared it growl. I see mason and he sat by me. "Hey. Are you okay?" I shake my head. "Im so hungry and l did not pack any food for myself."

"Oh." He opens his bag and gives me a box. "Here eat up l dont want you to starve to death."
"Are you sure?" He nods and insists on it. I eventaully take the box and open it. It was spaghetti and mince l get up and hug him. "Thank you thank you."
"No problem." I sit down and start to eat. But l felt bad what about him
" what about you?" I ask.

"Oh dont worry l had a pretty big breakfast this morning so im not hungry plus l have money so l can just buy something when l feel like it."
"Oh okay." I continue to eat and it tasted amazing. "Anyways l heard you were by your boyfriends yesterday and today."
"Uhh yeah who told you?"
"I came to your house and l wanted to pick you up but your mom said you were by your boyfriends.."

"Oh.." l didnt know what else to say but l saw micheal coming towards us. "Hey guys." He says with roses in his hands.
"Hi." Mason says a bit annoyed. "Anyways babe you forgot your roses from yesterday." He gives me the roses and mason leaves without a word. "Damn does he hate me or something?"

"No dont worry about him something just happend. Anyways thank you baby." I get up and hug me and kiss him. "No problem babe. Anyways l gatta go my class start in 3 minutes."

"Okay bye."
"Bye." He kisses me before leaving l sigh l guess l was alone but l needed to use the bathroom so l closed the lunchbox and put in my bag. Maybe l could give it to him after school or something. I get up from the table and head to the bathroom and l end up seeing two girls and sarah. "Oh hey sarah." I say with a smile. "Hello." She looked uninterested in me so l walked past them and used the bathroom when l was done l was going to the sinks to wash my hands but one of the girls that sarah was with blocked me. "Uhh yes?" I say confused. The girl whips out her phone and shows me it. It was a black screen at first but then l saw some colour it looked like my boyfriend kissing sarah. " this?"

"Sarah and your boyfriend l just wanted to tell you. His not as innocent as he seems. He is using you to get closer to sarah." I was left speechless the girl had left after saying the shocking news l stood still for a bit trying to figure out what to do. How will l confront him? Will he admit to cheating on me? Should l mention it? Will my mom be mad at me? Should l tell mason? And will he believe me? All these questions were circulating around my head...

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