The Life to My Love (Lifering x Teakettle)

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~Lifering POV~

Huh, that's odd. Teakettle texted me that she would be at the lake, half past five, by the tree. But she's not here?

For once I set my protective duties aside and stop worrying about her. Although she likes it when I care for others, Teakettle can get annoyed when I'm overprotective.

I pull out my phone and start to play Raid Shadow Legends, it keeps me busy. (Yes I had to include the Lifering Raid Shadow Legends ad, I'm sorry! Also I am not sponsoring Raid Shadow Legends!)

Some time passes, so I put my phone away and look up to see Teakettle in the distance.

"TK!" I shout and wave my hand to show her where I am.

She sees me and starts walking my way with a picnic basket. Just like she said she would!

"Sorry Lifer, I was looking for the wrong tree."

"It's okay TK! But, why were you so late? Not to be rude or anything. Also I was getting worried!"

"Sorry, my hors d'ourves were overcooked, so I had to make a fresh batch." I can tell she feels bad, but she has her kind spirit still. That's good!

We walk over to a spot of grass by the river and put the picnic mat down. It's different from your normal red and white mat I noticed. It has light green and white patterned square all over with a pink flower design in every corner.

"Teakettle, this mat is amazing! Did you-"

"Indeed I did Lifering! I made this with my own two hands. I guess you can call me a multi-trick kettle!" She cuts me off with a statement, but I'm glad she did.

She sounded proud of herself, and I'm happy for her!

We enjoy her hors d'ourves and talk about some past stories. She talks about a time when she went shopping with Balloon and Nickel.

"Nickel always goes on about he is quote on quote 'priceless', so Balloon compared him to the tray of free samples in the food court!"

We both burst out laughing at the statement! Teakettle has grown a big sense of humor for a while, and that's what I like about her.

We watch the sunset after we pack up the picnic basket and mat, and just sit on the grass for a while.

"Ya'know Lifering, I am glad to call me my trusty friend. You are always there for me."

"Oh!" I can feel my face blush hard. "I am glad to have you as a friend too TK! I try my best not be overprotective, and I can be annoying so I'm glad you think of me that way!"

"Oh Lifering,"

She kisses me on my cheek, and I am left with a surprised expression on my face.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of. I love you just the way you are, and you should be proud of it!"

TK is right, I should be more proud of myself like she is with herself. Teakettle is a big role model to me, and I am thankful for that!

"Thank you, Teakettle. We'll always be there for each other right?"

"You know it Lifering!"
She gets close to me and leans on my shoulder as we continue to look into the sunset.

I'm glad to have someone like Teakettle, and who knows,

I might just ask her to be my girlfriend someday...

Oooh! A cliffhanger! Sorry I didn't end it with them getting together, you'll just have to come up with your own ending! Anyways, I hope you liked the story!

Until next time!

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