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Today was going to be a good day.

I sat up on my bed, stretching my slightly sore body from yesterday's workout. It was more of a personal thing at this point. It's been a while since Mina has been around too. Damn time flies, feeling older already. Anyways I looked around. Same old shit, different day. I made sure my prosthesis was alright before starting my day.

As always, I commenced my normal routine, having a staring contest with the bathroom mirror in front of me. My fingers traced the one scar that ran from the right of my nose to the bottom of my chin, going through my lips. Wasn't too noticeable. I would have hated them if they didn't make me look cool and mysterious.

I got out of there, got dressed up in my usual and headed downstairs.

Only to see some... Hobo? Some scraggly looking guy was at the front of my door at the moment, his eyes burning holes into my face.

Wait a minute, I know this homeless man!

Shouta Aizawa, also known as Eraser Head I think. Weird name, sounds too nice for a guy like him.

"Aizawa!" I greeted the guy, clearly he wasn't in the best mood. As always, to be honest.

He grunted.

"Well damn, don't be so grumpy, it'll bleed onto me." I said, resulting in another groan from the insomniac.

"I don't even know why I was assigned to you. They should've just thrown you in jail and be done with it." The man callously muttered.

"Well that ain't a nice thing to say at all, how else could they have compensated for my such good deeds!?" I smirked as his expression soured even more.

"You broke the law."

"Yet here I am."


"You sound like ya hate me..."

The man laid down on one of the booths in the corner.

"Dontcha got a school to teach?" I asked.

"I don't have to go in for about 30 minutes, so I'll be asleep."

"Hey wait a damn minute-"

But he was already knocked out in his sleeping bag (where did that come from?). I knew he slept like a rock, so I let him be. The only ones who were assigned to me were Yamada and Aizawa, they were close by in their routes and they felt that they would be enough to subdue me if needed. Apparently things like confidentiality and that nature due to the incident. Besides, like I would do anything, right?

If they really wanted to stop me, they would need more than this. Even without my quirk.

Ah, yes, my quirk. My power. I'm pretty sure you're curious, huh?

Well don't worry that'll come later. It's not as if some random situation happens that causes me to use it, right? Right.

I looked as Aizawa woke up from his doze and looked at me.

"Don't do anything stupid please." He muttered.

"Yeah yeah, just scram." I said.

He threw a wave over his shoulder as he left. Freeloader. Just barging in here and taking a fucking nap. He even acts like a hobo...


It was midday pretty much, a calm crowd sat in my little shop. I always liked it like this. Not too many customers where I am absolutely bombarded with orders, but not too small so I don't go broke here. It was a calm in between.

In My Steed (OC x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now