(Requested) Her Reflective Smile (Reader x Bottle)

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~Your POV~

"Phew, time to take a break." I say to myself as I close off my book. I bet a long time has passed since I first sat down under this tree to read.

I figured I should go outside more, so why not the park? It was a nice day out anyway!

I get up and start walking around the park, seeing everyone chatting to each other happily. It's nice to see that there is still joy in the world.

But a certain face catches my eye, a reflective one.


I remember going to a movie theater with Bottle after she asked me to go with her. She has a very positive attitude, and I love that about her. Wait, love? I meant like! Why did I think that?

I walk over to her, thinking that I should at least start a conversation.

"Heya Bottle! What's up?"

"Oh, hey N/A! Nice to see you! I was just looking at the clouds, I found it as a hobby of mine!"

Looking at clouds huh? That's cute! Wait, there I go again! Wait...

Oh my gosh...

I like like her.

I blush, and I think she noticed because she giggled.

"Your face is turning the color of cotton candy N/A! How cute!"

"Oh!" I get a little flustered, "Thank you Bottle! Mind if I sit with you? Just to spend some time together."

"Of course! I hate getting lonely, so I'm glad you asked!"

I'm glad she let me sit with her. It's nice to get out of my comfort zone and talk every once in a while.

We look at clouds, butterflies that fly by, and tell jokes. I never knew how much Bottle loved nature, I feel like I know a little more about Bottle every second I spend time with her.

"Hey Bottle," I decide to tell her how I feel, although it feels like I have butterflies in my stomach, I have to try.

"I have something to say,"

"Okay N/A, what's up?"

"Well, you know how you love nature? Well...I-I feel the same about you."

We make eye contact until she says,

"N/A, that's so sweet! I have to admit, I like you too. You're really fun to talk to ya'know?"

"Thank you Bottle, I'm glad to have someone like you as well. You brighten my day!"

She smiles again.

But this time,

Her smile is reflecting on to me,

And I like that, scratch that,

I love that!

Phew! That was more harder than I thought! As my first 'reader x' one shot, I hope you enjoyed!

Also, if you want to make a request, please put the ship, and setting in the comments at the end of my latest story. And as always,

Until next time!

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