(Requested) Green Eyes of Nature (Mutant Reader x Leafy)

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~Your POV~

I grab my hat, coat, and shoes, and walk out the door. Today I was going to meet Leafy in the forest. We both love being surrounded and nature, so maybe that's why she invited me.

I make it to the outside of the forest to find her standing against a tree. Her beautiful jade eyes almost blend in with the leaves above her.


"Hey N/A!" She waves at me while smiling.

"So this is the forest I was told about, correct?"

"It is! Oh, I just noticed your eyes match the leaves above me!"

"I was thinking the same thing about yours."

We both blush and hide our faces. I guess we have a lot in common.

"Well, come on N/A, let's go!" She holds my hand in hers as we walk into the forest. It's so...tranquil, and peaceful. I'm glad that I could share this time with Leafy.

We continue walking hand in hand, pointing out butterflies, questioning what noises we heard, and making silly comments about each other. The perfect environment for us.

Leafy stops in her tracks, which causes me to halt and tense up.

"This is it!" She whispers. I wonder what she means by that...

"She walks in between two trees so I follow her. My eyes show me an incredible sight.

A pond. In the middle of the forest.

"H-how did?" I can't get the words out of my mouth.

"I got lost in this forest when I was little. That's when I found this pond. I thought it was amazing, but I was sad that I had no one to share it with."
I didn't know Leafy used to feel lonely like that.

We sit by the edge of the pond surrounded by trees and soft grass.

"I'm just glad I can share this with you, and talk to you about how I feel N/A. Thank you."
Her words hit me...hard. I lean in next to her as a sign of comfort.

"Leafy, thank you for seeing me that way. I am here for you..."

She smiles as we sit in solace.

Two of us...

Sitting quietly...

Like two green trees blending into the nature surrounding them...

Sorry that this one was shorter than what I normally do, it was difficult fitting the 'mutant' part into the character and story. But, I hoped you enjoyed and as always,

Until next time!

!𝕆𝕊ℂ 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤! (Requests Closed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ