Smart Minds Think Alike (Golfball x Tennisball)

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~Golfball POV~

Today is the day! The day when I finish my paint-o tron! I have been working on it for a while for only one reason...Tennis Ball.

Basketball told me a few days ago that Tennisball was feeling down lately, so I wanted my gratitude. He also has done a lot, as my assistant. Oh great, now I am blushing!

I put a tarp over the machine so it is hidden, and exit my factory, where all of my inventions are kept.

Now, I need to find Tennisball.

I start to walk around, look behind trees, and ask Two if he has seen him. Even Two doesn't know! He must be more incompetent than I thought.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Basketball." I hear a voice. It sounds exactly like him!

I walk over to the location where I last herd him, and just as I thought. Basketball and Tennisball.


"Oh, hi GB! Is everything okay? Did you step on a nail again?" I hear Basketball chuckle under her breath, and I try my best to ignore it. Remember Golfball, this is for TB. Don't mess it up!

"Tennisball! I have something important to show you privately in my factory, immediately!"

"Oh," he looks flustered, "Okay GB, but you don't do this often so I am quite curious." Good. He didn't figure it out immediately, what a relief.

I lead him to my factory. Hopefully no one has intruded, and I am sure no one did. I had to put an advanced security system in due to Death P.A.C.T entering without asking.

We get to the bottom and the machine is still under the tarp, nice!

"GB, I hope whatever you have under there is safe. I don't want your factory to get damaged...again." I am sure he is referring to the lava overflow we had while we were with Four, I remember it like it was yesterday. (BFB reference!)

"Don't worry TB! This invention will do nothing but decrease sadness levels!...and use up paint."


"Just trust me TB!"

I remove the tarp off of the machine to reveal a metal contraption consisting of a canvas on a conveyor belt, and three pain dispensers above.

"Tennisball, I present my gift to you, after everything you have done for me, the Paint-O Tron!"

"Golfball, you made this, for me?"

"Yes Tennisball, I wanted to show my gratitude." I blush slightly. I feel the area getting hot, probably from my incinerator, yeah, that's the only logical explanation!

"Observe TB!" I turn on the machine. The conveyor belt moves the canvas underneath the pain dispensers that spray out colors of yellow, green, and white.

When the paint process is done, the canvas gets moved over to the end, revealing a beautiful painting of Tennisball sitting in the grass. I must say, the colors blend really well together!

"So Tennisball...what do you think? Thank you!"

"Golfball...I love it! This is amazing!"

He bumps the side of me, showing a sign of affection. I give in and just rest in his side.

Huh, maybe I should do this 'gratitude' thing more often!

"You're Welcome Tennisball."

Hooray! I finally did a Golfball x Tennisball Oneshot! Just like the cover! Well, I hope you enjoyed! It was kind of difficult to get a story line but I did it! Well as always,

Until next time!

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