(Requested) Not Socializing Often (Kit x Reader)

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~Your POV~

I walk along the sidewalk trying to find the exact location. I take another look at the flyer.

Meet and Greet!

The town representatives have put together a Meet and Greet at the
Number Park/Playground!
Lots of people will hope to meet and make
New friends!
New People!
And New Partners!

Number Park/Playground:
4x2 Goiky rd.

Yup, I am going to the right place. Thank goodness! However, that last sentence sits inside my mind.

"And New Partners!"

I never really, had, a partner before. I am honestly scared too so, I at least hope I get to find someone there!

I make it too Number Park and see a big venue. I guess they wanted to go all out this year. I see lights, a decorated gazebo, tables fit for four or two people, and there is already a lot of people waiting.

I should have worn something more formal. A hoodie, jeans, and shirt that says "Here to Socialize!" probably wasn't the best. But hey, it's just a meet and greet and it's not like people wore worse.

I make my way into the crowd, only to realize...

How will I even introduce myself?!

I take time to look around and try to find someone with common interests.

A spoon wearing a suit and tie? No.

A gelatin with sunglasses and a fork? No.

A big yellow...face promoting? No.

Augh! I can't find anyone here that I would find comfortable talking to!!

Maybe I should...leave...yeah,
Or...make myself not noticeable.

I walk over to the snack table and take a Dr. Fizz. Surprisingly there are only some left, even though I saw a glass of OJ replace them earlier, strange.

"This is, not as good as I thought it would be." I hear someone next to me talk.

She looks...cool and, approachable.

"Honestly, everyone here seems like they have a big ego am I right?" I reply to her.

"Yeah, that's a good way of saying it. What's your name anyway?"

"Oh," play it cool! "I'm N/A. What about you?"

"I'm KitKat, but I prefer to be called Kit." ( The word KitKat is DEFIANTLY NOT a Experiment 21 reference!)


"So, wanna get out of here?"
I think for a while, and try to stop myself from daydreaming again.

"Honestly, yeah. Yeah that sounds better than staying here."

"Cool. I know about a Cafe nearby. Maybe we could check it out."

"Yeah, I could do that with you. Let's go!"

We walk out of the venue and towards the center of town. I look over my shoulder and towards my left to look at Kit.

After just that little talk, I think she is a cool person.

I pull out the flyer for the venue out of my pocket just to take a quick look.

"And New Partners!"

"What are you looking at, N/A?"

"Oh just the flyer, maybe we could go back to the park someday, when it's just us."

"Yeah, that's better than a large crowd."

Yeah, maybe she could be a new partner. I just need the courage to ask and,

Start socializing more often.
Alright! Another request done! Sorry if this was a late post, I have been trying to dial back on my productive rate. But I will still try to make one Oneshot every day! I hope you read again,

Until next time!

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