6. James/Augustine

18 5 3

For me it was enough...


5 Minutes Earlier:
"James, would you mind checking on my daughter? She rudely walked out, so I'm assuming she went to her room. It's up the stairs and to the left."

Francine stood in front of me at the get-together Leah brought me to. Her blue eyes sparkled as she sent me a shiny grin. I didn't want to disappoint her so I nodded, though I didn't want to. I figured it'd be awkward.

"Thanks, honey," she cooed, then turned around to talk to a group of people I didn't recognize.

I took my time walking up the creaking stairs. I didn't want to scare the girl, so of course I'd knock. Reaching the top of the stairs, I turned to the left in the dark hallway, the only light coming from underneath a closed door. I sighed, making my way towards it. Bringing my hand to the wood, I knocked softly.

I heard a faint "Come in," so I slowly turned the doorknob to see a beautiful girl laying on the bed with a laptop in front of her. I tried not to let my jaw drop as Augustine looked up and met my eyes.

She had her head propped up on her hand in the most adorable way. Her hair was down, spilling across her shoulders, while her eyes questioned me. It took me a moment to speak because god, she was bringing up some thoughts I wasn't ready to admit. Her t-shirt was pulled to the side, giving me the view of her bra strap. I stared at her face instead, hoping she didn't think I was a creep.

"Hi, James," she said, shaking me out of my thoughts. Her voice was crystal and I got lost in my own world again, dropping my gaze to her lips. I wondered what it would feel like to kiss her.

Shockingly, Augustine took my offered hand and allowed me to lead her out of her room. I kept my eyes straight ahead, not letting myself glance at her shorts I knew she was wearing. We tiptoed down the stairs as quietly as possible, but stopped as we reached the living room packed with people.

"What's the plan, four eyes?" Augustine asked me suddenly.

I turned to her with my eyebrows raised teasingly. "What did you just call me?" I asked in disbelief.

"You heard me," she smiled. "How are we going to sneak out? My mom will be pissed if I leave during the party."

I grinned at her baggy grey t-shirt and soft-looking shorts. "Yeah and you're not exactly in party attire," I teased.

She glared at me, failing to look intimidating. The eye contact made my cheeks heat up, but I made myself hold her gaze.

"Not that I mind," I added, surprising myself with how flirty I was being.

Her eyes widened and she looked away, but I saw her rosy-stained cheeks. Augustine watched the party-goers, allowing her eyes to travel around the packed room. She turned back to me.

"Ok, I don't see my mom. We should be able to slip by without a problem." She wore a determined look on her face. "Ready? Go."

Like we were on a spy mission, we passed by what seemed to be an infinite amount of bodies, squishing us in all directions. Suddenly, two bodies came from either side of us and bumped her and I into each other. I couldn't tell if it was on purpose. I tried to stop myself from falling, and reached toward her without thinking. My hand grazed her waist and I immediately pulled my hand back.

Augustine's face turned completely red, probably as red as mine, and she glanced away quickly like nothing happened. My face twisted into disappointment that she ignored my touch, but I loved having that effect on her.

August - (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now