Can't Escape Pain

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This story is based on Kalin_0611 AU.
I wrote it as a present and because I just really love Kalin's content.
I hope you enjoy this story~


It has been a busy day, with lots of documents to be sorted out. His husband had decided to go to sleep first, as he was pretty tired after a tiring Saturday. Although, it doesn't mean that Michael went to bed early, in fact, it was 1 a.m. when he left the office.
Elizabeth and Chris were long ago sleeping peacefully in their bedrooms, so it was just him and his fathers-in-law.
At half past two in the morning , they finally decided to leave the working place and headed to their bedrooms.
Noah had just a little of regret regarding not going to sleep along with Michael, as his head had throbbed for a while now and he was getting sleepy.
As soon as he entered their room, Ennard was surprised with not finding his husband sleeping in bed. Moreover, Michael was nowhere to be found. "Mike, are you here?" Silence.
A cold breath suddenly hit his face, he then noticed that for some incomprehensible reason, their bedroom window was open. Something was wrong there, the room didn't feel empty, but there was no one apart from him. Closing the window and still not finding Michael in the room, Noah decided to go to their private bathroom and get ready for bed.
As he got closer to the door, he saw that it was closed and the lights inside were turned on. "Michael, darling, are you there?" No one answered, the silence was disturbing, kinda tense, it made him feel uneasy. "Michael, if you're not answering, I'm coming in..." Ennard opened the door slowly and carefully, shyly even.
He widened his eyes in that very moment. Tears formed and he started shaking.
There, in the tile floor, was Michael. Unconscious. Bleeding from his head.
Noah ran to him. "Michael! Mike, this is not funny! Hey! wake up!" He wasn't shouting, his voice didn't have enough force for doing so, and still could be heard as an eco all around.
He shook his husband desperately with the intention of waking him up. His heart was beating faster and faster and his breathing was hitching. He held his motionless husband in his trembling arms. "William! Vincent! Someone, please!" He yelled in the very top of his lungs, still trying to wake Michael up.
The two men mentioned by Noah, heard him perfectly well, as if he was in the same room as them, startling them both. They quickly teleported to the room from which the exclamation came, fearing the reason for that exclamation that contained so much pain, the tears that were tried to be contained without any success could be clearly heard as well.
They froze in place before saying a word, completely paralyzed by the view of something that seemed so unreal.
"Do something, please, he's not waking up!" Rapidly returning to reality with those words, Vincent teleported everyone out of the bathroom to the room, to have more space, and turned on the lights. William crouched beside Noah, trying to stay as calm as possible, even though he couldn't really keep his cool. "W-what happened?" He almost whispered, with a trembling voice and hands, reaching out to his eldest son's face. "He's i-ice c-cold..." He felt terrified, mostly of fear of losing his son forever. Vincent teleported Michael to his arms, making Noah and William turn to him immediately. He heard Will's silent and faint cry, who was hugging Ennard and softly stroking the blonde's arm and hair, in an attempt to calm the younger. "Do you know what happened, Ennard?" He inquired, checking Michael. "N-no...when I came here, I couldn't find M-mike...when I checked in the bathroom, h-he was like t-that...all b-bloody..." Answered Noah, crying. Vincent was surprised to see Noah so emotional, of course it was understandable, but the other times that the man cried, he has never been so...hysterical... "Ok...calm down you two... Michael is gonna be alright...but I need you in order to help him" "What do we need to do?" William asked firmly, ready to do whatever was needed. "The bleeding has to be stopped. Noah, you need to grab bandages and hydrogen peroxide, William, grab a clean clinic towel. Then, come to the main bathroom." He then teleported away. Of course Vincent was worried very much about his son, but if he really showed how worried he was in front of his husband and Noah, they wouldn't get anywhere.
In just a moment, there was a clinic towel beneath Michael's head, which was used to clean the wound with the help of water. When it was cleaned, they (mainly Vincent) used hydrogen peroxide in order to disinfect, and after that, bandage Mike's head. When they finished, it was already 4 am. Noah brought Michael to bed, sighting heavily, still with tears in his eye lids. William hugged him tightly, Vincent joined in and teleported the three of them to the kitchen. The three were sitting around the table, Glitchtrap put glasses of water for everyone. The silence made them lost in their own thoughts, Noah started overthinking, panicking. "Boy, don't overthink it too much, Mike is gonna be alright, when he wakes up we'll know what happened to him." Vincent held his hand, a sign of comfort. "C'mon, drink some water." It was William who whispered softly.
Ennard took the glass of water with shaking hands, almost spilling it. Vincent put a hand on his shoulder, "Shh, calm down..." He said sweetly, stroking Noah's back.
They spent half an hour there, almost not talking at all. "I think we should go to sleep now..." Sighted William. "What's the point of going to sleep now? It's four thirty-three in the morning, we have less than four hours until Eli or Chris wake up." It was Vincent who made the comment, with a little complaint present in his voice. "Is there something for breakfast?" asked Noah out of nowhere. "Well yes, there are some leftovers from yesterday and there is a smoothie in the fridge...why you ask?" Answered Vincent hesitantly. "I was thinking...that maybe we could leave...a...note...for Liz and Chris...along with the breakfast for, when they wake up, they would let us sleep some hours more...and we would later explain this to them..." Sighted Noah, rubbing his eyes in tiredness.
There was a moment of silence afterwards, it was William who broke it. "I think it is a good idea to do so, it is going to be a worse day if we are going to be like zombies throughout the day..." Vincent got up, a paper with a pen appeared on the table, while he was getting the food and the smoothie from the fridge. "What do we write?" He asked, so calmly that it sent shivers down one's spine.
Half an hour later, everything was ready. They teleported back to Noah's and Michael's room. Michael didn't move an inch, he had his eyebrows knitted together a little. Noah's heart sank in pain, the same happened to his fathers-in-law. The same questions were haunting their minds: what happened to Michael? When was he going to wake up?
Glitchtrap teleported away, more precisely, to the room's bathroom. When Michael was lying unconscious on its floor, some blood had flown down, forming a small puddle. Using his glitch, he cleaned it. Vincent teleported back besides his husband and son-in-law. "Go to sleep, really need it." He said patting his shoulder slightly. "Have a nice sleep, Vincent, William." Noah flashed a smile when saying so, he was glad that he had met them. Both William and Vincent smiled at him, afterwards, the two men teleported away afterwards.
Noah remained very worried about Mike. He wanted to cuddle him and receive the same action from the smaller man. He wanted to hear Michael's stories while being there together, and still, there he was, not being able to get to bed with his husband, deciding then to crouch at the side of the bed, holding Mike's hand. He stroked his husband's hair carefully trying not to hurt his wound. Ennard kissed Michael's hand and, still holding it, he laid his own head besides, falling slowly asleep, tears rolling down his cheeks.

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