❄️Wrong Planet/ X Together❄️

25 5 2

Creativity:15 /15
This is an interesting story, if you want to be honest. And how they do this is unique, mainly because I'm pretty sure it's a fanfiction. And though I'm not a big fan of fanfiction, this one intrigued me, the way that they wrote it.

Originality: 15/15
I will say that the originality is funny regarding the story. I say it's funny because they're dealing with aliens. I feel like the author put comedy in with it, and I appreciate that because it makes the story unique and different in its own way.

Storytelling: 10/15
Though I enjoy the story, I think the author needs to go back and reevaluate the flashback. Because to me, it didn't feel like a flashback; it felt like I was still in the present when I was reading it and not in the past. So it confused me when the flashback ended when the author started back from where they were. Because to me, I didn't feel like I was in the past or even in the future. To me, it felt like I was still in the present.

Character:15 /15
I didn't connect with the characters, but the characters had outstanding personalities and were well-written into the story. They were funny in their way, but they were also serious at the same time.

Story Flows:15 /15
I didn't see anything wrong with the story regarding grammar or set structure; everything flowed smoothly and was well-written; there was nothing out of place. Or nothing of concern for me when I was reading the story.

Cover Design: 15/15
I liked the cover. It represents what the book is about, so I think that brings the readers in. It makes the story pop and means what the story, like I said, is about.

Final Thoughts:10 /10
All in all, I enjoyed the story very much. I found that the story was unique. It had some comedy in it, and it was a very well-rounded story. Like I said, the only thing that I would change is to look into a flashback. I did not feel like it was a flashback to me. It just felt like we were still in the present. Besides that, the story is outstanding, and the author should be pleased with what they have written.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  95

Summary of the book:

In which two friends try to escape from the the consequences of their actions by running away to a different planet and end up somewhere else.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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