(Requested) Perfect Together (Milk x Bottle PPT2)

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AUTHORS NOTE: Maybe some of you knew, but I wrote this is case some of you are confused. PPT2 means that the characters are from the object show 'Paper Puppets Take 2' by YellowAngiru. Enjoy!

~Bottle POV~

I was thinking it would be nice to reunite with Milk after the competition. One because it has been a while since we have seen each other outside of the dark pit of despair, and second of all...well, I guess it would just be nice to hang out with her!

Also, I have something planned that I just KNOW she will enjoy! I would ask Post-It Note but, I think it would be best to give him some space after our...disagreement we had.

I walk over to the dark pit of despair, ready for Milk.

"Milk! Are you ready?" I call down for her, hearing my own echo.

"Yeah Bottle! Hold on, let me get the ladder up." I can see Milk call to me from the bottom and set up the ladder. She climbs up and gives it to Bubblewrap at the bottom waving back to her.

I guess she made a friend while being down there, good for her!

I see her, standing outside of the hole embracing the sun. "Hello Bottle! Thanks for inviting me for a hangout, I really needed some fresh air."

I can't help but smile, "No problem Milk. However, I can't help but wonder why you guys don't leave, there is a ladder."

"There is a really good lounge that Gold Ingot installed, so we have just been hanging out there waiting for Gold Ingot to continue the competition."

"Oh, alright then. Well there is no point in stalling, let's go!"

She gives me another heartwarming smile, and we start walking together to the destined place I had planned out. Milk holds onto my hand, and it makes me flinch a little bit. I am glad it wasn't noticeable.

I love feeling the warmth in her hand, holding onto mine. It's like we are completely comfortable with each other, and I love seeing Milk so happy with me.

"Wait," Milk starts to talk and we both stop in our tracks. "Where exactly are we going Bottle?"

I turn around to face her, winking my right eye, "Don't worry! It will be a surprise."

I see a look of concern form across her face, "Okay, b-but I hope it's not somewhere crowded. I am still getting used to that."

I hold her hand and her start walking side by side again, "It'll be alright Milk, it's just you and me. I made sure of it." Milk's nerves are calmed, and the mood is more relaxed now.

Eventually, we both arrive at the designated location that I planned out for the two of us (Look at me using big words!). "Okay Milk, close your eyes."

"Oh, okay. But that's only because I trust you."

Thank goodness the sun is setting, it makes the place more beautiful.

"Alright, you can open them now!"

"...*gasp!* Bottle! I can't believe it! You brought me to-!"

"That's right Milk, the beach! I knew you liked to build sand castles, and be away from the main area. So, now we can spend our time making the perfect sand castle! What do you think Milk?"

The sea foam colored water ran across the shore, glistening from the sun setting in the distance. The pink sky surrounding us in a calming setting while the palm trees sway in unison.

"Bottle, this is so amazing! I can't believe you would do this for me!" Her voice starts to break as tears form in her eyes out of sheer happiness.

"Milk! Here." I bring her into a hug and she thanks me for the gesture.

The best thing I know...
Milk brought me into a soft kiss, making both of us blush a slight pink.

She pulls away, looking at me with a large smile.

"Your welcome Bottle! Now c'mon, let's make the stand castle!" Milk runs over to the sand, using the buckets that I left for us.

"I-I, uh, yeah. Y-yeah let's do this Milk! Together!"

I Love Milk ❤️
EXACTLY 700 Words! Thank you so much for reading this one, I really love the story I made with this pair! Also, it's nice to do a Oneshot based off of ppt2, I love the characters! (Especially Knight Helmet and Cup!) Thanks again for reading this new part, and as always...

Until next time!

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