❄️Luna Bloodlust✔️❄️

43 3 17

Creativity:15 /15
I really love the way that the story forms. I love the way that the author does it. It's definitely unique. It's not your typical out-of-the-park vampire story, which I can appreciate. It doesn't go straight into the love aspect of the story. The story's creativity is beautiful when the human falls in love with the Vampire, etc.

Originality:15 /15
I really like the way that it flows. It's more like a modern-day story, which is very interesting because usually, vampire stories start back in the old days. But this one seems more modernized, and that's what I like about it. It goes with what's going on in the world today.

Storytelling: 15/15
I feel like the storytelling is like watching a movie when it comes to the story itself because you are wondering what will happen next. But at the same time, you're trying to guess, so to me, it's like watching a movie instead of reading a book.

Character:15 /15
I will be honest: I don't like Britney at all. She's a dimwitted character who doesn't know the danger she's getting herself into. But at the same time, I do like the Friendship because she has Luna there to help her through everything, even if she's being a total dimwit or getting drunk. She has that from there to protect her. She has that to help her through it from there, so I can relate to the characters and friendships.

Story Flows: 10/15
It does need a little editing, and some of the sentences don't sound right. I can't tell you which ones because I read three chapters. But there are certain ones where I think you said Brittany, and it should have been Britney's with apostrophes because the word next to it, along with Britney, didn't sound right. So it does need a little bit of editing, but besides that, everything else flows very nicely. The sentences and the structure of the story flow really well.

Cover Design: 15/15
I do like the Cover. At first, I was skeptical, but the more I looked at the Cover and read the story, the Cover worked. The Cover compliments the story very well.

Final Thoughts:10 /10
I said that the story is something I would recommend other people read. It is exciting, and I love how it flows, how the Friendship goes, and how I feel like the main character knows what's going on. Yet she's 100% unsure if her gut is telling her the truth or not. The story flows nicely to me. It is more of a modernized vampire story, which I appreciate even more. Because it goes off of the instead of meeting in a dark alley type vampires, it's a bar, and it's more around this age instead of back in the old days. So, many of your readers will connect with the characters because of how you did it. So, I can definitely appreciate this story. Once again, it just needs a little TLC, and that's it, but editing and this story will be perfect. It's a lovely story; the author should be proud of it because it's a gem.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  95

Summary of the book:

| RATED 18+ | His golden eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. Each deliberate step he took fueled Luna's racing heart, pounding like a drum in her chest."S-Sirius?" Luna finally managed to stammer, her gaze fixed on him, unable to tear away."Good morning, gorgeous,"


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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