(Requested) Art Makes Her Smile (Reader x Lightbulb)

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~Your POV~

I walk back to my room in Hotel OJ after going outside, unlocking the door. It was getting late, so I might as well go inside and draw or watch some videos from Fan's Blog.

I continue a unfinished drawing I had earlier, of a group of crabs sitting on the deck of a pond, while the sunsets leaving behind a pink and purple fade.

It reminded me of the pond by the contestant battlegrounds. I remember hanging out with some of my fellow friends. I hope the finalists are doing well.

Suddenly, a note is heard slipping from under my door. I can hear Paper on the other side, "Hey N/A, you have mail. Sorry to bother you!" And he hurriedly walks away.

I stop drawing my art, and get off my bed to grab the note. (Yes, you were drawing on paper on top of a hard surface while sitting on your bed. I don't see any desks in the Hotel OJ rooms sooooo...)

I read the note to myself and sit back down. It reads this:

              —Dear N/A,
     It has been reported that Season 2 of Inanimate Insanity has come to a halt.

Due to this, the final four will be staying in Hotel OJ. But because of the room shortage, they must stay with someone who doesn't share a room.

You will be sharing a room with an un-named finalist.
We apologize for the inconvenience-
MePad and OJ.

Well, I guess I will just have to wait and see who they are.

~Short Timeskip~

After some time passes, I finally finish my drawing and decide to frame it. Then I can hang it on the wall!

When I finish, I hear an abrupt knocking that makes me jump. I quickly put down the drawing and hide it under my pillow.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Hello? Any person awake in there? That orange guy told me to try this room, and I couldn't get the pointy tool to work." It sounds familiar but I can't tell. It must be one of the finalists....

Omgah, it's Lightbulb isn't it.

I open the door and it reveals Lightbulb, wearing her usual smile and holding a silver key with our room number on it.

"Hey Lightbulb, OJ must have put you in a room with me. Well you can take the other bed, after all I don't really need tw-"

"Really! Thanks pal! I have always wanted a fancy room in one of these large buildings, whatever they were called. Anyways, I was thinking that on our first bonding time, we could-" Lightbulb puts her things on my bed on accident.

And of course...she wants to fluff the pillow.

"Wait, Lightbulb! Don't!"

She stops holding the pillow to her face and replies, "What? What's up friendo? What's so bad about holding a pill...oh." She catches a glimpse at my drawing of the crabs.

Lightbulb puts the pillow back down in the middle of my bed and holds the picture to meet her eyes.

Lightbulb turns to me, "Did you do this..." She reads the signature in the corner, and then remembers who I am, "N/A?"

I take a deep breath and finally get the courage to say it. "Yeah; y-yeah I did draw that. I was hoping that whoever came here wouldn't notice. But, hey you found it!" I try to stay positive.

"It's nothing special Lightbulb, no need to...Lightbulb?" I take another look at her.

As a tear forms in her eye, slowly falling while another one forms. Lightbulb, looking at me as if I am a distant but wonderful memory that came back after so long.

"N/A, I can't praise you enough about this." I try to walk up to Lightbulb, but she already ran into me and pulled me into the biggest hug I have ever received.

Lightbulb stops hugging me but still holds me by the shoulders. "You put beauty and joy that I have about some past, and made it special."

I look into Lightbulbs grateful and shining eyes. "I am glad you like it Lightbulb. In fact, I was going to hang it up on the wall by your bed. Well, the other one at least." I managed a chuckle out of the last part I mentioned.

Lightbulb pulls me into a tight embrace once more,

"Thank you pal." I have never heard Lightbulb be more genuine and serious about something until now.

However, I still love her joy and nonsense!
I love writing heartwarming Oneshots like these, they make me forget about my worries. Well, if I have any! I hope you enjoyed the heartwarming ending, and of course, as always...

Until next time!

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