❄️A Touch of Fate❄️

33 6 4

Creativity: 15/15
The story starts off is very unique. It's a very slow-starting story that's not bad in any way. It's unique because of the way that it starts and the way that the author writes it. It's almost like two different characters. One knows what they want, but the other is unsure of what they want.

Originality: 15/15
This is definitely something I have not read. I like that. Once again, it's a very slow-starting story, but it's so different from what I'm used to reading when it comes to a lesbian story or girl-on-girl story. It's different because it doesn't rush into love. It shows the skepticism and worry that one of the characters has about starting a relationship while the other is ready to start the relationship.

Storytelling: 15/15
I like the storytelling of the story. I feel like I'm sitting there watching a love story try to unfold. And I say try because, once again, two different people are doing two different things. And you're just wondering if they will ever connect or show that love. And it's not a bad thing. I'm not saying that; I don't think the main character, Talia, is oblivious to what's happening. I think she's just guarded.

Character:15 /15
I can definitely relate to the characters, which is a good thing. I feel like I relate more to Talia than anything. She's very guarded, very kept to herself, and very worried about everybody else, but at the same time. She isn't looking for a relationship because of how guarded she is, but then she has that best friend trying to push her into that relationship. A friend who is trying to let her know that there is somebody interested in her, but she does not believe it.
Story Flows:15 /15
I don't see anything wrong with it. I did not see any grammar or structural errors; the story flows very well, and the way that the story is written is amazingly written. There's nothing wrong: I saw everything fit right, flowed right, and had its place. Even when it came to the storyline and the way that the characters are. I feel like they are growing at a good pace, and I feel like the story is excellent. Once again, I am not a grammar expert; I'm horrible at grammar. I look for more of it, and things sound right. And everything sounded right to me. It didn't sound off. Nothing sounded like it shouldn't belong. Everything flowed very smoothly.

Cover Design: 10/15
I don't know what I think about the cover. I don't hate it, but I'm not a big fan of it either. I feel like there could be so much more than what that cover is. I'm not saying I know what the cover should be because I don't. That is only what the author can decide. But I feel like what they have now doesn't show me the story. It's not showing the beauty of the story.

Final Thoughts:10 /10
At the end of the day, I found that the story was unique. I liked the way that the characters were built and made. I love how slow the story is, but at the same time, it has that beauty to it. It's one of those stories you wish would get noticed more but aren't getting the notifications and props it needs. This story is not the normal oh, it's a girl-on-girl, so it will always be about getting it on or inappropriateness. No, there is inappropriateness in the story. I'm not saying there isn't. But the way that the story is, it's like there's one being inappropriate, and then there's one that's oblivious. And I think that's why the story is phenomenal because of the way that the author does it. It's almost like one has that innocence or is oblivious to what's happening around them. And then there's one that wants to be with somebody. I give kudos to the author, and this story is fantastic. One more thing I will point out is that when it comes to YouTube videos, it is really hard for people who are on tablets and that to pause the YouTube videos for me I never recommend having YouTube videos in your story because. It's just hard to pause them and keep them paused for me; when I pause them within 5 seconds, they restart; that's the only real critique I have about the story.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  95

Summary of the book:

Read the story of Talia Clark, a fierce 30-year-old businesswoman, as she embarks on a journey to discover love for the very first time. Her unexpected encounter with Eve McClain, an unfulfilled artist and interior decorator, becomes her ultimate cure or deadly poison. This captivating tale is filled with humor, friendship, and relatable life experiences. I hope that it will bring you immense joy, while also evoking tears of emotion.Enjoy!


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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