(Requested) A Thought Like Hers (Bowtie Reader x Irish)

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AUTHORS NOTE: I think this is my first burger brawl Oneshot, so I apologize if I didn't accurately get Irish's personality. Also just to clarify, the reader is wearing a bowtie. Thanx!

~Your POV~

Finally, I make it to the greenhouse that Irish invited me to, and start to walk inside the tents that covered the plants. I decided to just grab something since she also has an accessory, might as well have one too.

The sun shines through the mesh that the tent was made out of while metal poles keep it up.

Different flowers and wildlife are on tables, hung from the top of the tent, or on display. But, I can't see Irish anywhere.

"Irish! Are you here?" There were multiple tents in the area with plants that the greenhouse had, so she might be in one of those instead.

I walk outside of the tent I was in, and read the sign outside.

Area 1: Flowers

She must be somewhere else. Suddenly, I received a text on my phone so I pulled it out of my pocket.
It's from Irish.

=< Heyo N/A! Meet me in the beige tent.

Oh, okay. See ya.>=

I put my phone away and go into the beige tent with a sign that reads, "Carnivorous Plants." I go inside and text Irish again.

Okay, I'm in the tent now, >=
but I can't find u.

=< That's bc you're in
the brown tent dummy. 💀
The tent on ur left.

Okay, that is pretty funny how I got in the wrong tent, but still. I roll my eyes and go to the other tent.
The RIGHT tent, on my LEFT.

I get inside, and I am met with multiple plants in different kinds of pottery. Blue roses in a violet vase, lavender in a tall maroon pot, and on a stool lies a yellow spotted vase with green clovers and hyacinths, while vines grow from the soil and hang outside the vase.

There is one person painting on a canvas in front of the vase wearing her usual grey beanie.

She turns around and stops painting for a moment,
"Finally N/A, you almost made me worry about you getting lost...in a place for potted plants." She chuckles at the end making me blush from embarrassment.

"You can't blame me. Beige and brown are pretty similar. What is this room anyway?" (Why does the reader remind me of Hyper?)

I go up to the canvas to see a mixture of water color and acrylic paint that makes up a painting of the potted plant.

"It's the new tent for people who want to paint the flowers and plants they have here. I am the only one though, so I thought you could at least try."

"Oh, okay I guess I can." After I say that, Irish looks at me with a smile.

I grab the violet vase with blue roses, and put it on a stool by a different canvas so I can paint.


I finish my painting, and it looks great! I also noticed that Irish finished hers early and put it on a table in the tent for display.

"Irish, um, you want to see my finished work?"

A smile slowly grows on her face when she nods her head in agreement. Irish walks over to my canvas and sees my painting of the blue roses in a violet vase, surrounded by a red background that fades into a light purple.

"Wow, it looks great N/A! But..." she examines it thoroughly.

"W-what's wrong? Sorry if it looks sloppy."

Irish grabs my paint and moves the brush on the canvas. When Irish stops...the plant now has the same hat Irish wears and the (your favorite color) bowtie that I am wearing. Something that I know only Irish would think of.

"There, now it's perfect! And dapper."

We both laugh uncontrollably and place my painting next to hers. Looking at what we both created, Irish holds my hand and looks at my face with a smile.

"Thanks, you made this better!"

I smile back, but with a slight blush. "No problem! Thanks for inviting me Irish!"
Just to make this clear, Irish is a character from Burger Brawl that is based off of a real person. I also got permission from the requester of this Oneshot, sadly I could not contact the Burger Brawl crew. Irish was recommended by AboveTheClouds on Burger Brawl, so I give credit to them for making Irish. Also, I personally don't ship any of the Burger Brawl characters due to them being OC's of actual people.

This was hard to portray Irish's personality, but I tried! Note: listen to object show music while you write, bc that is what I have been doing! Thank you for reading my Oneshots, and as always...

Until next time!

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