(Requested) Never Alone Again (Reader x Lightbulb)

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~Your POV~

Because of the whole 'canceled season' thing going on, the finalists got their own rooms in the hotel. One of those finalists is actually a good friend of mine!

...and yes it's the one who eats sticks.

I am just in my room that I share with Box, on my phone. I don't have anything else to do...wait, I forgot! Lightbulb invited me to a sleepover in her room! I look at the time, 7:35:57, three seconds until-

Suddenly, Lightbulb opens the door, that I forgot to lock, wearing her pj's at exactly 7:36pm. She is wearing matching light red pajamas on the top and bottom decorated with little crabs. She is also wearing a yellow sleep mask with three white 'Z's stitched on.

"C'mon sleeping buddy it's time! Oh-where are your sleep clothes?" I was just wearing a hoodie and blue sweatpants.

"Oh hold on, wait-you are an object you don't need clothes Lightbulb."

"Oh please N/A, we talked about not breaking the fourth wall before with logic. I will wait outside!" She closes the door giving me privacy.

When I finish, I am wearing a blue long sleeve pajama shirt with lighter blue pajama pants, both decorated in white clouds. Lightbulb instantly grabs me by the hand.

"Well c'mon, I have everything ready!" Lightbulb speed walks to the elevator as I try to keep up.

Once we get to the elevator, Lightbulb quickly presses the button that opens the door and pressed the button for floor 3. I look over to her next to me, she is bobbing up and down as if she is waiting in line for a roller coaster.

"Isn't this exciting N/A! We get to stay up late."

I look back at Lightbulb while she gives me a huge grin. "Yeah! But, it's not really late."

"Oh pshh, no need to get all practical about it. Normally my bedtime is like 7:36, so staying up at least a minute after that together it worth it!"

The elevator door opens and Lightbulb pulls me along again until we arrive at her door. There is a large sign on it reading "Sleepover Bonding! Do NOT enter!" With a sleeping crab drawn in the corner.

"Well, here is my place! Nothing special." Lightbulb uses her key to open the door, and it reveals a normal Hotel room...but decked out.

The lights are turned off to show led lights Arica the corners of the room, a blanket on the floor is in front of the TV along with a big bowl of popcorn and snacks.

Lightbulb even put Baxter on a pillow to watch.

"Luckily, Paintbrush let me take care of Baxter while they are at some 'Spoiled Lime' concert. Yippee!"
I don't think Lightbulb remembers that it was Spoiled Lemon and not lime, but whatever.

Her positive attitude spreads to me causing me to say, "Well, can we start the sleep before it's over?" I make a pun. (Get it, it's a sleep over so you have to sleep until it's over 😅)

"Sure thing friendo!" We both sit on the blanket in front of the TV and turn it on. Scrolling through all of them, we decided that a nice holiday movie would make sense. (I made this during December so Happy Holidays!)

"How about Elf? I haven't seen that one in a while."

"Omgah, yes! I can't wait."

We start the movie and sit together, eating popcorn.

Sometime during the movie, when Buddy gets found out about not being an elf, Lightbulb scooted next to me, head on my shoulder.

"It's okay, it's only a movie Lightbulb."

"Yeah, I know." I can hear her words break. "I just don't like the feeling of rejection or, being alone."

I wrap my arm around Lightbulb as a sign of comfort.

"...You don't have to be if that's how you feel."

She sits up straight, while keeping a hand on my shoulder and looking directly at me. I decide to look back, both of our faces slowly turning red.

"Y-you mean it N/A?"

"Well, yes. I don't want to see you by yourself anymore."

"...Well, if that's how you feel t-then we can do this."

Lightbulb brings me into a kiss, stopping everything around us. It's almost as if time stopped just for this moment. We let go, and I am brought back to real time to see Lightbulb smiling at me.

"Thank you, I liked that." I tell her, just to say how I feel.

"Thank you too N/A. I loved that!"
Yippee! Thanks for reading! I wanted to write early, so here you go! I hoped you enjoyed this Oneshot, and of course as always...

Until next time!

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