Chapter 36 - Death to the Creator

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"Where... am I?" Muttered Felicia. As she looked around, her eyes were drawn to the oddly familiar azure arena.

"Wait... I'm back?!" She rasped, pivoting around. A surreal feeling enveloped her, leaving her uncertain if it was a positive or negative experience, leaving the creator completely stunned.

Before she knew it, the creator was anonymously, forcefully pushed from behind, causing her to lurch forward deeper into the arena. The moment the crowds laid eyes on the creator, their cheers filled the air, creating an atmosphere of excitement and joy.

"Whoa..." The creator gasped, eyeing the crowds that were surrounding her. A glimpse of hope ignited like fire in her heart, the thought of the society accepting her again was implausible at first, but they did.

The fire spread, burning all in its path as the intense heat consumed everything it touched. The flames raged with a relentless determination, spreading across the land like a tidal wave of catalysts. Nothing could stand against the fire's fearsome might, and all that lay in its path was engulfed, reduced to ashes and molten debris. That was the fire Felicia had felt in her heart, her fire.

But, only a bucket of water was needed to extinguish the dancing blazes.

Felicia was suddenly jolted from her unconscious state as the sound of gushing water filled her ears. A wave of water crashed over her face, drenching her from head to torso and shocking her into wakefulness. As she shook her head rapidly, she saw Arthur standing over her, the empty bucket in his hand.

"The heck?!" Roared the creator, as she was awakened from her seemingly lovely dream.

She found herself being tightly restrained, her body straining against the restraints as she fiercely tried to jolt forward. The clinking and rattling of chains filled the air, causing her to flit her head in search of the source. Her eyes locked onto a thick, multiple-chain contraption attached high above her, suspending her arms like a puppet on strings.

The handcuffs dug into her wrists, their rough texture causing an incessant itch that spread to her robust arms. Each of her arms was adorned with four cold, unyielding metal cuffs. The weight on her legs was unbearable, the heavy metal cuffs securing them to the unforgiving floor.

Forced onto her knees, the creator's body remained helpless under the strain as her hand was captured. Preventing herself from any attempt to create.

"Ah, shit."

She also found herself with only her black tank top, which she always wore under her shirt, and she found that along with her ribbon and ruby pin were gone. Under the spotlight, her strong arms shimmered, casting a bright and expansive light that revealed the restrained creator to the soldiers on the balcony in the execution room. She glanced to her left, glad that her usual watch that she bought before immortality and the gold ring from her mother was still there.

"You woke me up from a pleasant dream." She chuckled. The creator hung her head low, the sedative's effects still lingering in her veins and her body still trembling with weakness.

"Like if I care." Arthur spat.

"Hah, what do you even care about in your life?" Her head lolled back as her bloody eyes met Arthur's fierce, stern gaze. A drunken smirk plastered on her face, as the effect of the overdosing drug. "Do you even need to use my chains against me?"

"You're chained like an animal you are." Mocket the chief, tossing the bucket away with a loud bang. "You've failed, Felicity."

'Failed? Is that so?' Felicia raised an eyebrow.

The Creator's Past | AnotherWorld: OriginalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin