❄️This Is The Fall❄️

35 3 8

Creativity: 10/15

I will say that when I started the story, I was loving it, but once again, the prologue is way too long. It felt more like a chapter than a prologue, which shouldn't be. OK, I think the story is fascinating when it comes down to it. The chapters are very long. But I don't know. I feel like the main character there is something fishy about him. I'm not saying like the chick; I'm talking about the guy she meets, like something's suspicious about him. I don't know what it is, but it gives me the real Oh my God, is he like a murderer type vibes.

Originality: 10/15
I definitely feel like there is some originality to the story. It just drugs on a lot for me. I feel like the author gets focused on one thing and continues to try to build on that. But then it goes flat. When it comes to the originality and the storyline. Once again, I do not saying this as mean but from a reader's point of view after the first chapter and the prologue. It just felt like the story was dragging on, and it was getting nowhere. I would get the anticipation when she met somebody new or something like that. But it would go nowhere.

Storytelling: 5/15

I will say that the story is good, but it drags on a lot. I kept waiting for a thrill or something to happen with the guy or the girl, and nothing occurred. It's like her taking pictures and talking to the man was just the base of the story. After a while, I got bored out of my mind and looked for action. Something that made the story progress or get out of the pictures and flirting stages.

Character:10 /15
I cannot connect with either of the characters, and I could not connect with the story. Once again, that's just me; I couldn't connect with any of it. Once again, it was just a lot of the same thing, and I was waiting for something with the characters, the storyline, everything, and got nothing ng in the end. And once again, I'm not saying this to be mean to anybody; I was  just waiting for more.

Story Flows:15 /15
I feel like the story does flow nicely, and I don't see anything wrong with it when it comes to grammar or how well the instruction is. I find that to be a good

Cover Design:15 /15
I do find that the cover in the story does fit. The cover is excellent and stunning, and the story provides the way it works with the cover the other time.

Final Thoughts:10 /10
At the end of the day, I feel like the author reevaluates the prologue and first one to two chapters when they're done writing the story. Halfway through the second chapter, it starts to get slightly interesting. But I feel like they are so focused on that connection between the main characters that they forget that they need to add something more. This will be a fantastic way to give it that enthusiasm. Something that will scream that this is about to happen because, to me, it just falls flat after a while. And it's like I can't continue reading it because when I get excited, it goes nowhere. And once again, I'm not saying this to be mean; I'm just giving you the General idea of what's going on with your story. It helped you to reevaluate it.

Chapters I read: prologue and three chapters

Total points:  75

Summary of the book: 

After her car breaks down on a lonely, forestry road, hobby photographer, Amber, finds herself stranded nearly 100 miles from home in the wake of a suspected coronal mass ejection. With nothing but her hikers pack, antique film camera, and a gift shop journal to record the bizarre goings on, she is going to attempt to make it home on foot. But something ancient and sinister has awoken to stalk the shadows, effectively trapping her in a remote, mountain convenience store, and it is poised to upend civilization. Even as Amber struggles to scrape some sort of life together in the chaos, she learns that others are fighting their own battles. Others that have lived alongside humans in secret since the beginning of time, waiting and training for generations to banish the dark plague that is sweeping across their world. Will Amber survive The Fall?


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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