❄️Heart Waves❄️

21 4 2

Creativity:10 /15
I'm not sure how I feel about this story. Some parts are perfect and creative, but others are choppy and out of place. And because of that, it's hard to understand the story as a whole.

Originality: 5/15
I don't think it's an original story simply because I've read similar stories, for the sister will find out that she's in love with the brother's best friend. And I'm not saying this to be mean, but my intentions are never malicious. But I've read stories similar to this one.

Storytelling:5 /15
I feel like the author is trying to tell a story. Still, because they have so much information they're trying to put into the story, it gets lost in translation. There are certain parts where they'll start talking about the girl; then it'll change to something else. Then it'll change back to the girl. Then it'll change to something else, so it's not consistent With what they're trying to delay. Especially when it comes to a diary

Character:5 /15
When it comes to characters in a diary, I feel like they are not fully developed, and because of that, I can't connect with them. Because I don't know exactly everything about them. Once again, the author jumps a lot when it comes to the characters, so first, you'll see a ten-year-old girl, but then they jump again, and she's not 18. But they don't start with who she is now compared to who she is now. In the beginning, it's confusing because when you read it, you think that she's ten, but when you get to the next chapter, they explain that she's 18 and that the diary is from years ago.

Story Flows: 5/15
When it comes to the story, it doesn't flow well. Once again, I don't say this to be mean. I say this to be honest: certain things in the story are just very choppy and not well put together when it comes to a diary. I don't get a diary feel for the story when I read it.

 I don't get a diary feel for the story when I read it

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This part of the story is what confuses me. In the beginning, she's writing in the diary, a beautiful blue diary. But then, as the author continues the story, they make the statement that they turn off the diary, which makes me think it's like a computerized diary. So there, once again, I've Lost in Translation because it's a written diary in the beginning, but at the end, it's now a digital diary. So, this must either be deleted or reevaluated because it confuses the readers 100%.

Cover Design:15 /15
The cover is adorable, and I feel like it represents the whole story.

Final Thoughts:10 /10
I feel the author needs to edit the story and look it over again because I could not connect with any of the characters. I could not understand the story because of its choppiness and how it feels like it's not a story or a diary. There's a lot that needs to be edited and a lot of TLC that needs to be done with this story. But if they get good editing into the story and figure out what they want to do and accomplish with the story, This story would be good. But for now, there's just too much going on, and nothing's connecting.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  55

Summary of the book: 

' LIKE A STAR IN A CLOUDY NIGHT'. You don't always show up in front of everyone, but you are still there covered behind the clouds. Somebody who knows your wroth and understands your specialty will see and find you more amazing than the moon. - SOMEONE WHO CARES ABOUT YOU Lyra Hansley is average girl or that's what she thinks so. The scene of her crush kissing someone else breaks her heart. She believes no guy will ever like her. But years later , she finds herself in a messy situation between being confessed by HER EX CRUSH , HER TWO CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AND THE MOST HANDSOME GUY IN THE COLLEGE! Who will she choose?


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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