Chapter 3

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The energy spike that Optimus found on the computers had been a small pile of energon. Optimus was quite happy that he found this, they where running a little low and with a growling sparkling there they needed more. He requested a ground bridge, Arcee responded and quickly opened one for him. She had Volt in her arms. "Sire!" Volt shouted excitedly and he saw Optimus red and blue frame. The other bots walked threw just in time to hear Volt shout.

But to his surprise they didn't seem to shocked, all that happened was Arcee handed Volt to him and started to grab energon cubes. "You have quite a bit of explanation to do once we are done" She said walking pat with a few cubes. He grumbled under his breath, so either Ratchet said something or they found out on there own. Optimus shifted Volt so he had one free arm to grab a few energon cubes.

Once they had finished that Bulkhead, Bee and Arcee where waiting to hear what he had to say about Volt. (He said the same thing he told Ratchet) "Optimus you shouldn't have hidden this sort of thing, it's nice to have a younger bot around" Optimus sighed in relief, happy that he didn't have to hide this anymore, plus Volt wasn't making it much easier. Optimus stretched his frame with a yawn, Volt saw him do this and wanted to copy his sire so he tried his best to do the same thing Optimus did.

"Aww he's so cute" Arcee said as she saw Volt do this, Optimus couldn't help but smile as she said this. He walked over to the computers with Ratchet hoping that he found a new energon spike, to no one's surprise though there wasn't one. All the bots even Ratchet started to make there ways to there berthroom so Optimus disused they he and his sparkling would as well. He picked Volt up and made his way over to his berthroom letting out another yawn. Volt even started to yawn as well, making Optimus optics fill with love for his sparkling. He layed Volt on the berth and then layed next with him, wrapping his arm around him again as he quietly went into recharge.

Optimus woke up from recharge and checked his digital clock 2:15 A.M. Optimus rolled over on his back trying to fall back asleep. When that didn't work he slowly got off his berth trying not to wake Volt up. His plans failed because Volt woke up, his red and blue optics staring sleepily at his sire. "Where are you going?" Optimus sighed as he fully got off the berth. "I was going to go outside of a bit". All of Volts sleepily ness was immediately gone as he heard outside. "Can I go with you, please I'll be good"

Optimus smiled a bit then gave a small nod, picking Volt up and carrying him out of his berthroom. Optimus put a digit over his dermans telling him to be quite to not wake any of the bots up. Volt nodded, he had a very exited look in his optics. Optimus thought that because it would be Volts first time going outside other then when he found him, that a forest would be a good starting point. So Optimus opened a ground bridge and walked threw with his sparkling in his arms. Once the ground bridge closed behind them Optimus set the sparkling down to let him feel the grass under his peds.

The sparkling yelped in surprise but soon saw that it was not a treat and started to roll around in a near by leaf pile.he squeaked in happiness as he continued to roll in the leafs. "You want to go explore more Volt" he nodded and brushed the leafs off that where stuck to his frame. He grabbed onto Optimus servo as they walked together around the dark woods.

Volt looked up at his sire with a large smile. "Sire, where's my carrier?" Optimus continued to walk things of what to say to him. "Umm, your carrier is no longer with us" Optimus said hoping that it convinced Volt, and it seemed to do so because he had a sad look for a second then got cheerful again. "Well that's ok, at least I still have my sire" Optimus nodded with a small grin on his faceplates.

The longer they walked the more tired the sparkling became, Optimus couldn't blame him it was almost 3 am. "How about we head home, it's pretty late for you to be up" The sparkling nodded and held out his arms asking to be held. Optimus gave him and carried him the rest of the way back to base, even though it wasn't the farthest walk for them. Volt had fallen into recharge by the time they where at base and back into his berthroom. Optimus however was still not tired so he just walked back to the computers and did some research and looked for energy spikes.

Optimus jumped as a servo was placed on his shoulder, he gave an apologetic look realizing it was just Ratchet. "Did you even get a decent recharge last night?" Optimus nodded as he looked back to the computers to show Ratchet that he found an energon mine. "Ya nice everyone wakes up that's where we're going to go" Ratchet nodded and he and Optimus started a small convo waiting for everyone to get up.

Finally all the bots slowly woke up and made there way to the main area, Volt followed them closely behind. "There's been an energon spike, where going to go and check it out. Ratchet open a ground bridge" Ratchet nodded and put the coronets in. The blue portal opened in front of them and they quickly ran threw. Volt glanced at Ratchet before he ran as fast as he could into the ground bridge, he wanted to see here is sire was going.

TAs soon as he got threw he could hear the sounds of guns being shot. He got scared covering his audio receptors not liking the loud noises. The young sparkling hid behind a large rock, but still being able to see his sire. The red and blue mech was fighting a large gray mech who had red optics, just looking at him sent a chill threw Volta frame. Volt gasped loudly as his sire was hit hard in the head and thrown into the cave wall. "Sire!" Volt shouted running for his place behind the rock and over to Optimus scared he was hurt badly.

He was stoped in his tracks when the large gray mech his sire had been fighting turned to look at him then reached down and picked his up with his large servos. "Sire please help me!" Volt cried as he tried to kick the gray mech. "Well we'll looks to me the autobots are hiding a sparkling" Optimus came back to his senses as he heard that. His servo turned into a blaster and aimed it right at Megatron. "Put. The. Sparkling. Down" Megatron was actually a bit surprised at the coldness in Optimus voice, but from that coldness he new just how important this sparkling was to him. Megatron grinned before he requested a ground bridge back to the nemesis with the small sparkling in his arms.

Optimus transformed into his alt mode and drove as quickly as he could over to Megatron trying to get Volt back, but he was to late and the ground bridge just closed as he got there. Optimus transformed back before shouting loudly. He was worried about his sparkling and hoped nothing bad would happen to him, he would try everything in his power to try and get Volt back from Megatron.

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