(Requested) Genuine Care (Reader x Tennis Ball)

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«~Your POV~»

Okay, it's starting to get boring on the grassy plains. And without any of Two's challenges going on, I really don't know what I should say to my team. I mean, I can't just act like something is going on, when really...there isn't.

I get up from sitting on the yellow grass, that surprisingly isn't as dry as I thought it would be, and start to wonder around. The blue sky reminds me of a gentle bluebird, and the grasses color reminds me of a vibrant tennis ball....

I face palm myself, I should just go hang out with TB! I mean, it is strange that we haven't talked in a while. We are pretty good friends.

I make my way over to Golfball's Underground Factory, hoping to catch her and Tennis Ball working on some kind of machinery. The metal staircase makes a hollow echo when I walk down each step, and I hear air being pushed through different air vents. (Not an Among Us reference)

Suddenly, I accidentally step on what seems to be a loose panel. "Whoops, hopefully I can get GB to fix it when I get down there." I tell myself.

I hear a voice my a nearby speaker, and it immediately gives me fear. "Intruder alert. Activating Incinerator."

I glance over at the bottom of the metal stairs to see the floor open over the large incinerator, while the metal stair slowly moves from under me.

"AAAHH! Someone HELP! I'm about to get burned!"
I try to yell for help, or at least let someone know I may have to get recovered before I'm burned alive. I try to get to the next step, but it's too far away...and I fall.

"Oh my Glub! Someone, anyone help!" I yell out in the factory, and that's when I hear Tennis Ball call out.

"GB, hand me one of the David Land bracelets, stat!"

"I'm on it TB!" Golfball throws a bracelet over to Tennis Ball, who then throws it to me.

"Y/N! Catch, quickly!" Tennis Ball throws the bracelet at me, and I just barely manage to catch it. Just in the nick of time, I put the bracelet on my wrist and get teleported to David Land.

I can feel a drop of sweat slide down my face from the intensity of the heat. I almost shout at how intimidating the David is right next to me, but I know the reverberation rate of a David's "Aw Seriously?" When up close.

It's been about two minutes, so I shakily take off the bracelet and get teleported back to the underground factory.

My body hits what seems to be a mat underneath me. Someone must have put it over the metal floor.

"Ow. I mean, that landing could have been better but I'm glad I survived."

I look up to see Tennis Ball staring at me with a concerned look on his face, which then turns to a sign of relief.

"Oh, thank goodness you didn't get burned alive Y/N. I'm glad you're safe." Tennis Ball then starts to walk over to a metal table with a computer to type in a code.

"W-what did you do while I was, well, in David Land?" Tennis Ball turns around to me and stops imputing code with his foot.

"Oh right! First I closed up the incinerator as soon as possible. Then I found a mat in the safety closet and put it on top of the space you were about to land on. I have to say, that was more than I could handle."

That last part gave me a question to ask, "What do you mean 'more than you could handle'. Wasn't Golfball here too?"

TB looks over to the staircase, "Golfball had to do some important business in the grasslands. She said it was classified and gave me a short lecture on, not caring for people under our knowledge'. I honestly don't understand how she thinks, it's like she doesn't care about anyone but herself."

"Well, I care about you." Tennis Ball gives me a surprised look with his jaw dropped, face turning slightly red.

"Y-you care about...me?"

I feel my face turn slightly red as well, "Well, yeah! You certainly care about me, and other people over yourself. Why wouldn't I care, you are great TB."

I watch a smile grow on his face as he walks over to me and sits down on the mat. "Thank you Y/N, I care about you too!"
Yay I finished another Oneshot! Thank you so much for reading, or requesting if you did! This was very fun to write, and as always...

Until next time!

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