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A/N: Plz vote before you start reading🙏🏾

WARNING: This chapter contains thoughts and recollects of self harm.


                The Wind blew through his fur as his paws pounded the earth. Lupine's forest green eyes full of this strange feeling of excitement for bloodlust.

He rushed through the forest at top speed, his white fur glowed in the moonlight, his  eye burned as they instinctively and intensely scoured over the forest looking for prey. He stopped in his tracks, bent down and sniffed the ground for a scent.

A few moments later a small scent caught his noise...a human.

Lupine's instinct quickly took over, but not because of what the prey was, but because it was just simply that...prey. In this moment of time, he would have hunted any and everything that enters his line of sight regardless of what it was. Which also confused him. If he would hunt any and everything, why didn't he kill his uncle right then and there.

Lupine follow the smell for a few miles, the potent feminine human smell got strong as he drew closer. And in the moment he knew he was only feet's away from his prey. All Lupine had to do was just cross the tree line and enter the town.

He could see his prey from here, a female. Her short brown hair hung around her chubby head, falling over her shoulders. Her brown eyes full of fear as she moved down the sidewalk begin cautious of her every move. Her body which weight about 300 pounds, stomped against the ground lightly. The sound of her steps barely being heard. She looked...intriguing? Delicious? Lupine didn't quite know. But he did know it was crazy how someone that size could move so lightly. And her fear was evident in her scent, it was so potent and intoxicating, Lupine found that he could no longer hold his wolf back from attacking.

And in one swift moment he ran and jump and in the next moment...she was dead. 


Lupine moved through forest once more, his uncle was coming and Lupine knew he had what he feared the most. Y'all know when he said he didn't feel any pain at all...well, he might have lied.

We kinda of sorta lied.

Most if not almost all pain Lupine doesn't feel. But there are 2 things that definitely will causes pain if it's used against him. If silver or wolfsbane so much as touches him the pain can be excruciating. Depending on the dose or amount of contact it can be deadly. But if used right, it can be the perfect way for a werewolf or a vampire to self harm.

Lupine has done it before, used silver to cause pain to himself. Any type of pain. He was tired of the numbness, begin numb to everything. He was tired of nothing having an effect on him, he just wanted to feel something. Anything, other than mental pain. Which he felt every day. His thoughts of finding ways to harm himself because He just couldn't feel physically. He thought of ways that he might be able to change things, and help him be able to feel pain again. But all his thoughts led to a dead end, and right back to his only solution for physical pain.

Sliver and wolfsbane.

He needed it when everything felt to numb, he needed it when he was tired of begin in his head. When he needed a distraction from his thoughts, so he used the only weapon that could cause him any form of pain. Any form of pain to block off his thoughts. But he didn't do it to often, the sliver made his body to weak. And it took a long time for his body to heal afterwards. Time he couldn't afford.

And it's not that he fears feeling the pain of the silver or wolfsbane, which even his uncle saw fit to use. It just that...he feared the dose that his uncle is gonna use. The pain that it will inflict will be way past the point he's ever felt.

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