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A/N: Plz vote before you start reading🙏🏾

A/N: pic of Winston Academy, but it has more of a gloomy vibe. There isn't a lake in front of the castle and the whole castle grounds are fenced in and the castle itself is surrounded by a huge forest a little ways aways from the school grounds.👇

             "Are you sure?" Cole asked Vince

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             "Are you sure?" Cole asked Vince.
"This has been going on for years and we've just now heard about this. What the fuck?"

"Yeah. This kid has been living there for years and based off the information from all the scenes of the attacks, it's safe to say this kid was responsible." Vince let out a sigh, while Klaus ran a hand down his face.

"We should have noticed this sooner." Klaus spoke. "This kid has been staying with those mundanes for years not knowing how to control his instincts or anything, and where just finding out about this. And from a mundane at that." Klaus let out a heavy sigh.

"Yeah. Well. I'm gonna go met with the boy and the guardian later around 3:00pm. I should be back around 5 or 5:30pm with the kid." Vince said nonchalant, his eyes scanning over the file again. The file containing all the incidents, and attacks as well as evidence of Lupine being the culprit.

"It's really a surprise that the child hasn't been killed yet or the mundanes haven't found out and started experimenting on him. Or that they haven't taken him to any time facility or prison."

Cole sigh, placing a hand on his forehead, trying to soothe his oncoming headache.
"Well it's not like they have this information. They only know there was a wolf attack, they don't know nor have solid evidence that it was Lupine. But seeing how that boy is the only supernatural in that town and he guardian just so happen to contact us right after a recent wolf attack. It's very likely it was him."


"Lupine come downstairs. Now!"  Lupine's uncle yelled, but it's not like he needed to yell. Lupine's hearing was working perfectly.

Lupine started to yell that his hearing worked perfectly, but that would have most likely gotten him another beating. But it's not like he really cared anyways, especially since he can't really feel the pain. But he would much rather not have bruises littering his body when he arrived at his new school. The bruises would heal fast, 2 to 3 hours give or take, but they still wouldn't be gone before he arrived at his new school.

Lupine sigh loudly, before walking out his room and heading down the stairs.
He followed the sound of his uncles voice and another voice that he wasn't familiar with.

The moment Lupine enter the living room. A huge dominant presence hit him like a tank, his vision started to black out and then everything shifted and morphed around before everything finally went black.


And then memory's of the past flashed in Lupine's brain. Memories that he for some reason has no recollection of.

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