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"Nah, I'd win

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"Nah, I'd win."

Stay tuned for the finished product!


Man... My head kinda hurts.

Excuse me, weird way to start, I know, it was just the first thing that kinda came into mind.

It was only the afternoon...

I look up to see a decent sized group pull up to my shop. I didn't stress though, I knew who they were.

"Ay, Mendoza!"

Ah yes, one of my favorites.

"Larry? And the gang? What's up you guys!?"

Larry and his little gang of so called miscreants stepped into the pizza shop. They were a biker gang specifically, and their appearances naturally made others shy away.

I didn't think much of it at first, they were cool.

"Mendoza, we heard your selling calzones, and you see, we haven't heard of em! Ain't that right boys!?"

Whooping can be heard from the back.

"So we gotta try them, ain't that right boys!?"

More whooping.

"So I say we get some, ain't that right boys!?"

Much more whooping.

"Larry, my lobster friend, I would just ask that you and your boys keep it down please?" I said with a sweatdrop.

It became bigger when all of them apologized to the patrons and bowed their heads. It's like a bunch of kids saying sorry after doing something they weren't supposed to do...

"Uh, how many?"

"Hmm..." He put a claw towards his chin.


"Well damn, what kind?"

"There's different kinds?"

"Sure is man."

In My Steed (OC x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now