Chapter 11

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The teams going to Shaw's tonight and since I know Rhys can't pass up an opportunity to drink, I'm going to meet him there so we can talk.

And when I mean talk, I mean eat him up and spit him back out like garbage.

I know for a fact that whatever he says today won't change the fact that he left me and it definitely won't change how much I despise him.

At least I hope not.

Earlier today, Liam declared that he wants to spend the night at home.

I thought I was his home. Apparently not.

That was like sucker punch to the stomach when he said that.

I raised him.

I worked hard so he feels loved and cared for.

I'm his guardian.

Our dad is not.

"Liam? We're here, buddy." I gently shake his leg in an attempt to wake him but he's out cold, drool all over the place.

I sigh, hitching his bag on my shoulder higher before I start unbuckling him, grabbing his water that he holds loosely in his hand.

He doesn't even wake when I pick him up, only sighing into me.

Most of the time he walks up to the door himself, using the small keypad on the door to run inside, which he loves to do so I don't have to see Dad.

But since he's passed out like a drunken sailor, I'm just going to have to suck it up.

Dad still lives in the house I grew up in, if you can even call it that.

He lives in a small trailer park, his trailer parked on the far side away from the highway.

It's run down, the roof covered in dozens of tarps, the side window duck taped shut. The stairs leading to the front door aren't even stair anymore, just a pile of wood.

If it was up to me, Liam would never spend a night in this shit hole.

But to him, our Dad is amazing.

A fucking rockstar.

When I step inside, the smell of booze and cigarettes immediately make me stand up straighter, flashbacks of when I was Liam's age flooding back.

I'm supposed to be at the bar in twenty minutes so I make my way to Liam's room, the cleanest part of the house since Dad never steps a foot in there.

"I'm going to get going Liam. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

His eyes open as I set him down on the bed, smiling when he takes in his surroundings, immediately knowing where we are.

"Did you pack my trucks? My new one? I wanna show Dad."

I swallow, my hands balling into fists but I nod, pulling out the handful of plastic cars I brought for him.

"I love you Liam. So much. You know that right?" I ruffle his hair.

"I know but I love you more." He exclaims and it makes my heart fucking burst.

I step out of the room, closing the door gently behind me.

"Sarah? That you?"

Oh, fuck me sideways.

I look over my shoulder, locking up so tight I can feel my nails digging into my palms.

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