❄️Not My Little Sister❄️

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Creativity:15 /15
The weather the author does the story is so unique in a way that I can't even express it because it's like not your typical love story. It's fantastic because it's not a rushed love story. They bring in the chemistry, and you can see the chemistry, but they don't force it, which is what I can appreciate when it comes to a story like this.

Originality: 15/15
I have not read a story where they don't force a relationship into the mix. I like stories that I can read that are just straight up. We will end up in a relationship, so it's an original story. Once again, you can tell they both have chemistry and want to be together, but they're stubborn on top of other things that make them retract.

Storytelling: 15/15
I can honestly say the storytelling is phenomenal. I love how you can feel each character's presence in the storytelling. It's unlike the usual sit-down way to put it or sit down. I'm going to tell you storytime storytime. You actually get to see the storytime Through The Eyes of each character, which is very hard. But the way that the author has done it is outstanding.

Character: 15/15
I love the characters, and I can connect with them. And I appreciate the characters because they're both stubborn but have that love for each other and that distance as well. They are both charming, and they both understand, but they are both reserved as well.

Story Flows:15 /15
I didn't find any grammar errors or any structural errors. Everything flowed very nicely. There is nothing out of place; no sentences seemed like they were not making sense, and everything was structurally sound. Everything flowed very well. Everything made sense. There was nothing that I saw out of place.

Cover Design: 15/15
I love the cover. I think the cover compliments the story very well at the end of the day. And that's what you want you want to cover that's going to compliment the story.

Final Thoughts: 10/10
At the end of the day, I see nothing wrong with the story. I find that the story was very well written. I thought that the story had a slow pace when it came to the Chemistry Between the characters. I feel the characters will go through a big old roller coaster before they find the love they need and deserve. But at the end of the day, I find that this is fantastic.

Chapters I read: prologue in three chapters

Total points:  100

Summary of the book: 

"Vinaya," Mohan said to his not-so-little sister, "remember Nithin chettan, right? He'll be in New York with you, so you won't be by yourself."Vinaya nodded, her family had always been protective. When she shared her dream of pursuing a medical residency in the US, they weren't thrilled. However, landing a spot in a prestigious Pediatric Residency program in New York changed their minds. The arrangement: staying with a trusted family friend until her brother found work in the US or a suitable match was found for her.Vinaya, having lived in Cochin, Kerala her whole life, yearned to spread her wings. Memories of Nithin from over a decade ago surfaced - a scrawny, geeky boy who had always been in front of a computer during his visits.Scrolling through Instagram, she noticed a follow request from 'Nithin Balachandran'. She accepted planning to restrict later. The thumbnail however revealed a transformation - the once nerdy family friend was now a handsome hunk. Her heart fluttered, and a new dilemma arose.How was she going to live with him? Had her parents been struck on their heads with a pan?TropesForbidden loveHeight difference Forced proximityRandom quote: "You can't hold me like that and not kiss me," whispered Vinaya, her face an inch away from his, his strong arms wrapped around her small body. "I can't, Yaya," he said in his deep voice, "Your brother's friendship means too much to me to do this." His mind was a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to cloud his judgment. "More than I do?" She asked, closing the gap between their lips.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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