(Requested) Everyone Makes Mistakes (Reader x Teakettle PLATONIC)

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«~Your POV~»

I walk down the stairs of the Hotel, ready for lunch. Things have been pretty busy with all of the Invitational contestants being moved in here. However, I do remember my good friend Teakettle was going to help out in the kitchen for the first time today with Paper!

And I just know she'll do great! I walk down the hall that leads to the lobby, and surprisingly Knife and Pickle aren't playing video games.

Well that's odd, I think to myself, eh it's no big deal.

When I take a singular step into the lobby, a loud beeping sound rings through Hotel OJ. I cover my ears slightly and run out of the hallway, to let multiple contestants run by.

Test Rube runs with Fan while he holds his phone, Tissues slowly walks with a blanket wrapped around himself, Soap comes with a gas mask, and I could've sworn I saw Baxter scuttle across the hallway.

The Invitational contestants must be in the cafeteria where the kitchen is.

Speaking of the cafeteria, I run towards there. Keeping my ears covered slightly, due to the loud beeping and panic, I have to remove one of my hands to cover my nose.

The room was filled with smoke, with contestants scattered across the room.

I look through the smoke and over at the kitchen. Paper is back against the counter in fear as the fire on the stove spreads.

Then, I see Teakettle trying to put out the fire by hitting it with her oven mitten...wait,

Teakettle trying to put out the fire with her oven mitten?!

I push through the crowd and get by Paper, "How did this happen?!" I try to speak loud enough for him to hear.

"I-I don't KNOW! It's very hard to explain and-and everything is so FRANTIC! I'm scared that-"

Suddenly OJ kicks open the storage room door by the back of the kitchen with a fire extinguisher, "Everyone, OUT OF THE WAY!"

This is one of those moments when you see OJ take charge. Because when he does, OJ takes charge.
(Alright, I'm a little scared now-)

OJ gets over to the stove where the fire is. "Stand back TK! I don't want ANYONE getting burned!" OJ sprays the fire extinguisher onto the fire while Trophy stops the fire alarm on the ceiling.

TK goes next to me and Paper, who is now holding onto my arm for dear life. I could've sworn he was blushing at OJ when he kicked down the door however, eh, must have been my imagination.

Once OJ finishes putting out the fire, he makes an announcement. "Sorry about the inconvenience everyone, this was TRULY unexpected. Because of this, lunch will be slightly delayed. I will clean up the kitchen and make lunch for now. We thank you for your patience." Paper goes over to the stove and helps OJ clean...and Soap rushes over as well.

While I walk up the stairs behind most of the contestants, I feel my shoulder getting tapped on. I turn around to see Teakettle, wearing her teal apron that got a little messy.

"Hey Y/N! Sorry about what happened earlier, and I wanted to talk about it if you don't mind."

I give her a small smile in return, "oh yeah! I don't mind talking for a moment with you, and my roommate Box went back to the recovery room from the cafeteria due to...well, you remember."

~Small Timeskip, Sorry~

Teakettle was able to grab two cups of tea from the cafeteria before leaving in two light orange cups. I allow Teakettle to sit next to me on my bed.

"So, what did you want to talk about TK?"

Teakettle puts her cup of tea on the bedside table, "Well, I wanted to help out in the kitchen today so I could become better friends with Paper, and get used to the place. However, the darn stove overheated! It's like they have a whole different kitchen than the one I worked with while making my hours d'ourves."
(I think that's how you spell it. Idk)

I listened carefully to what TK was talking about, and I get it. It must have been confusing working with a whole different stove than what you are used to.

I look over at TK, "Well, all things take time getting used to. You don't have to put yourself down for it, everyone makes mistakes. Even if they are really good at something. But in my opinion, you are as talented as Gordon Ramsay!"

We both smile in unison, reflecting on the good times we had back on Inanimate Insanity Invitational. "Thanks Y/N. You really know how to cheer someone up with words, I feel like I can conquer that kitchen!"

"That's the TK I know!"

Before I know it, Teakettle takes my hand and leaves my room...and we both go back to the kitchen.

Second times the charm!
This one was slightly difficult, due to how much happened before the Timeskip. I hope you enjoyed reading the Oneshot! And as always...

Until next time!

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