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[Third Person/Lupine]

"Do you care to dance?" Lucy asked, an innocent, yet hopeful expression on her face. Her brown eyes stared up at Lupine lean frame, before looking him in the eyes.

"Sure." Lupine said nonchalantly, not really wanting to be here anymore.

Lupine wanted to see what it was like to actually go to a homecoming. But from what he was seeing right now, he thought it would be better to not go again.

The nobles and royals were ruining the experience. They were using this chance to show the commoners and lower ranks, that they were better rather it came to clothes, or grace or anything really.

And Lupine didn't like that. He didn't like how they used every opportunity to show the lower ranks that they were better.

Not to mention, someone had been glaring at Lupine and Lucy for a while now. Especially at Lucy. And every time one of the two turned around they came face to face with multiple people who had a look of dislike for them plastered on their face. But they didn't get an uneasy feel from any of them. Not like they did, when they wasn't look. The pair of eyes they felt, they were full of rage, fury, and somewhat...jealousy?

Who ever it was, stopped glaring the moment Lucy or Lupine looked around to find out who it was.

Lupine slowly took Lucy hands, his hand came around her waist, and hers went around his neck.

And then they started to waltz.

They moved with grace. Enough grace, that it drew the hatful stare of some of the royals and nobles. They glared at the pair with such contempt. But the glare was nothing compared to the one the pair sensed before.

The other lower ranks watched the pair in awe. Their excitement was evident in the way the air shifted. They were excited. Excited that someone dared to do what they didn't dare to do.


The royals and nobles made sure that the lower ranks felt threat. They made sure to pressure any one of them that even had a little thought about dancing, to give up on that thought.

They wanted to show their over whelming   dominance to the ranks that they felt were way lower than them.

But in Lupine and Lucy's case.

The pair didn't care. Not one bit.


The clock tower on campus struck midnight. The sound rung out loudly, the noise traveling throughout the whole school.

In that moment, Lupine's and Lucy's waltz came to an end. A smile played on Lucy face as she looked Lupine in his beautiful eyes.

"Do you want to leave? I need some fresh air, it's getting a little stuffy in here. And I get the feel more than a few people in here doesn't like us." Lucy smiled brightly.

"Sure why not." Lupine smiled, his whole vibe change after he had dance with Lucy. He didn't to much care for the royals or nobles, he just wanted to have fun. Have fun for once in his life. He's never been able to have fun because his uncle always made sure that all he did was got to school and train. And now that his uncle isn't around, that means he can do as he please.

Lucy took Lupine's hand and lead him towards the entrance to the ball room. Gazes of contempt followed the pair, but once gaze in particular followed them. Or Lucy to be more specific.

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