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A/N: Plz vote before you start reading🙏🏾

[Third Person]

                        "Did you get any information from him?" Venessa asked Vince, while all four of the royal headmasters sat in their shared office.

"No." Vince said. His tone dark, and full of fury. "That bastard bite off his tongue, and choked on his own blood. He was the only person we didn't kill, since he was the leader. Now we have no way of getting information on the bastards that attack Lupine, Lucy, Asher and True."

"Fuck." Cole cursed inwardly. "What could they have wanted? And how the hell did they get past the barrier that surrounded the forest and academy?"

"That itself should be impossible. I constructed that barrier myself. There should have been now way for someone to break it without me knowing." Venessa spoke.

"Well someone did. And now the students are in danger. How long will it take for the barrier to be fixed?" Klaus asked, as he eyed Venessa.

"It should take a day at most. I have to gather the necessary magic, to reconstruct the barrier. Until then, the guards are gonna have to tighten security. And where gonna have to make sure the students know how to defend themselves. Someone is targeting the academy, and the students need to be prepared." Venessa spoke.

"Yeah, you're right." Cole sighed heavily. "But how will we do that, we only have about 5 combat teachers and hundreds of students. Theirs no way they can teach all of the students, not with a looming threat that may strike at any uncertain moment."

"Or maybe we could do the Combat Camp early." Vince suggested.

"But it's almost winter."

"So." Vince said. "They supernatural creatures, not weak mundanes. They can take the cold. Plus this is for their safety, we don't know who the enemy is, or what they're after."

"Alright then. All in favor of doing the combat camp early, raise your hand." Klaus said.

All 4 of them raised their hand. But it's not like they really had a choice. If they didn't take necessary precautions, the academy could be wiped out. And the results of something like that, would cause friction between the different races, which could lead to an all out war.

And that's something that everyone didn't need.


[Third Person/Asher]

Asher didn't know what to do. The pain was so intense, but he had to do what he had to do. He had to reject Lupine, otherwise accepting him would have just caused more problems. Asher loved him, he was perfect and True was to. He's know True for their whole lives, but even so, their families status causes them to need a heir. And a male mate can't give them that.

So as Asher looked at True and Lupine from across the cafeteria, their face filled with excitement and lust. Asher steadily fought off the urge to go over there and kiss them both. Even after rejecting them, the intense feeling of love and lust hasn't gone away.

"Babe?" Sora called, bring Asher out of his thoughts. His gaze moved from his 2 ex mates, before focusing on his girlfriend.

"Yeah babe." Asher smiled brightly at her, and if only the affection of true love that he used to give, if only that was the same kind of affection he could give her right now. But he couldn't, the mate bond had affected him and he no longer loved Sora. But regardless, he was going to have to stay with Sora, a union between her and him would make the vampires even stronger.

Plus his father and her father are really satisfied with their relationship.

"Why do you keep staring at them? Is something wrong?" Sora asked.

"Nah, I was...just looking..." Asher said, trying his hardest to keep a blush off his cheeks.

"Okay." Sora said unsurely, a look of slight contempt in her face. But it wasn't for her darling Asher, it was for that bastard who was trying to take her babe.

How dare that fucking faggot. He better keep his grubby commoner hands off my future mate. The bastard gets any ideas and I'll make his fucking like hell. Words of contempt swirled in Sora's head, her eyes start to glow slight, as she bite down on her lips, almost hard enough to draw blood. Her heavy gaze was locked on Lupine, and her eyes the color of blood, promising pain to all those who she thought were a threat.


A Few hours earlier...

[Third Person/Lupine]

Fuck! Lupine inwardly groaned, his whole body hurt. But it's to be expected, the last time he used sliver on himself was about 2 years ago, and since it been that long, he's extra sensitive to its potency.

Lupine groaned loudly, as he sat up in bed. He took his time, since his body was weak. And if he rushed, he might fall flat on his face.

He slowly used his arms for support as he held onto the bed, to stand up. He steadied himself on his feet, before walking to the bathroom. He moved slow and carefully, he grabbed the knob of the bathroom door, sliding it open.

Lupine walked into the small, yet lavish bathroom, he walked towards the tub, turning the shower on and adjusting the water.

Once he was done, he started to strip. He took off his pants, followed by his boxers and then his shirt, which caused him to stretch. Which hurt his body, the wounds he had cause started to burn and bleed. His eyes water at the unbearable pain.

But it was worth it, his mind barely even thought about the mental pain Asher had caused him. But he didn't resent him for it, Asher was just doing what was best for all of them, right?

Lupine finished taking his shirt off before slowly stepping into the shower, holding onto the side bar to make sure he doesn't fall.

Water dropped down his chest and over his slightly open wound. The cut looked bad, it was dark red, it was slightly bleeding, around the edges of the wound was dried blood and melt skin.  The cut just looked horrid, and it was definitely in need of cleaning.

Lupine just stood there for a while, let the water spray on him. His thoughts never not one thinking about what Asher did.


Knock! Knock! "Lupine?" True voice called from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, come in." Lupine hurried pulled large grey pullover on, before True could walk in and see the large cut marks on his stomach.

True walked into the door room, looking around the room. His eyes finally met Lupine, a look of lust and love on his face, as he gave Lupine a bright smile.

"Why're you here?" Lupine sat down on his bed, pulling on his shoes. He tried not to groaned loudly in pain as he bend down to tie his shoes.

"Because I wanted to walk you to breakfast. And I was hoping we could eat breakfast together." True asked shyly, which kind of surprise Lupine. He didn't take True for the shy or flustered type.

"Sure." Lupine smiled kindly, unknowing to True, that Lupine smile was fake, and it hide heavy pain.

"Alright. If you're ready then let's go."


"So what are you hungry for?" True asked, as him and Lupine made their way to the Lunch line.

"Umm...I think I'll get some bacon and eggs, that's all I really want, I'm not that hungry this morning." True nodded, while following Lupine through the line, getting the food that they wanted before heading to the table True normally sat at, bye himself

Stares followed the pair around. Some stared in shock, some stared in disbelief, some stared in contempt, but one person in particular stared with pure hatred.

So this is how he's gonna play it. The figure thought to himself. Does he think he can just fuck me and be done with me. I'm not one of your toys True and I'm gonna make sure you don't leave me. Your mine.

The figure smirked, their fangs showing brightly.

A/N: Hope U Like Da Chapter.
Vote, Comment And Follow, Hope U Have A Good Days, Bye✌🏾

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