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"Uncle Paulie, am I doing it right?" A young, 12 year old Jason Mendoza stood before a scrawny, tall, snaggletoothed man. They stood in what appeared to be an amalgamation of a outdoor gym.

"Sure you are kid! You will be like your uncle Paulie in no time!" He said with a laugh, then followed up with a cough.

What Jason was beating up on was a punching bag, in which Jason beat on with good precision.

"You know, if you get good enough, I can introduce ya to the business!"

"Eh? But Papa doesn't want me in any business!"

"Bah! He's a coward! He doesn't know the gift of his meta ability! Don't worry about that, besides it'll be cool! Think about it, doing super top secret stuff!"

"That does sound cool..."

"I know right! Ricardo is already doing it." He said, pointing towards the approaching body of one Ricardo. You could see the small scars that was on his face, the small scowl that was ever present on his face. He was a delinquent, for sure.

"Jason! How are ya doing?" Ricardo his mean mug turning to smile.

"Good! I think I'm getting better with this!" He pumped his fist into the air as his older brother laughed.

"Good, good. Maybe you can join me in teaching these good for nothings how it's really done!" Ricardo said, his face returning to a scowl as he swung his baseball bat over his shoulder.

His quirk was basically a better version of their mothers, it was called Information Domain. He could project a field around him, and allows him to see the "information" of whatever was inside the field. He could see what made it up, how it was made, color, texture, smells, and much more. It made it handy with other people too, basically seeing someone inside out.

"Attaboy, Ricardo. Your father is always trying to stop you guys from being the best you can be, ya shouldn't let him do that!" Paulie said with a smirk.

Paulie, unbeknownst to the boys, is a rather unsavory person to begin with. The potential present in the two boys was noticed by the man, now effectively grooming them into a life of crime, in the guise of doing good. Drug dealer and drug abuser, this man was.

Ricardo's far gone, relishing in the action he got every day.

Soon enough, Jason would be sucked right into it.


"I told you not to go with him! It's not safe all the time, you know that!" Jorge scolded the two boys.

"What's the harm in learning to defend ourselves? You act like sitting on our asses would do anything!" Ricardo had developed a bit of a rebellious streak over the years, not finding any solace in the pizza business, opting to go with his Uncle.

"It isn't that! It is what it could lead to!"

"You wouldn't get it because all you do is sit here, you say it's not safe but your not doing anything to make it safe!"

"I know my lane, Ricardo, you should learn yours! You boys better quit it!" He said with a yell.

Ricardo scowled, storming off as the father shook his head. Jason couldn't exactly grasp it himself, he felt tied between the two.

"Jason, you must be careful, please..."


"Jason! Please, you could get hurt or worse... I cannot lose you... Any of you." Jorge said, running his hand through his matted hair.

In My Steed (OC x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now