❄️Just Three Days❄️

35 6 5

Creativity:15 /15

Okay, I really like to listen to stories, and I like the concept of the story. I find what the girl goes through really sad, but the creativity in the way the author does the story is very interesting. The girl wants to defend herself, but at the same time, she's so terrified to defend herself, and that's something that I can understand.

Originality: 15/15

I like how different it is when it comes to the aspect of the story because the story is about bullying, and there's not a lot of stories out there about bullying and how to deal with bullying, but this story doesn't really well like it explains the hardship of being bullied and how one might want to get away from the bullying but understand that it's hard to stick up for oneself. If you have a best friend who's there to defend you, it's cool, but at the end of the day, you still wanna do it yourself. That's what this story goes through is a factor of She's very timid and very shy, and she wants to be stronger. I like that in the story; that definitely is different, and I can't accept or respect that.

Storytelling:15 /15

This is the storytelling to be fascinating, and I say that because I feel like I'm not just reading a story, but I'm seeing a story come to life. I see how this girl is dealing with all this bullying every day and how she wants to fight back, but it's scared, too. I was feeling all the emotions she was going through, the pain, the sorrow, the fear, everything she was going through, and how she wanted to go to school and have a normal day. The storytelling in this story is amazing.

Character: 15/15

Can you speak characters? Here's why you have her best friend, Raven: you have her, and then you have this mysterious person. I like the mysterious person because he shows up out of nowhere and gives her his hoodie. Never get to know who he really is, and that's what makes it so mysterious. I'm not saying it's a bad thing; I actually can relate to some of the characters because I was bullied when I was younger. And knowing that you want to get away from the bullies and knowing that regardless of what you do, you are going to struggle, it's not fun, it's not fun, so I really like these characters.

Story Flows: 15/15

Still didn't see anything wrong with the story. The sentences were perfect. I did not see any grammar errors, and I didn't see anything that was out of line or sounded like it shouldn't be there. Everything flowed very nicely and smoothly and made sense.

Cover Design:15 /15

I really love the cover and the story, and I really love how they complement each other. The cover is a perfect cover for the story.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

At the end of the day, I found the story unique and beautiful to read. It is definitely a story that needs to be recognized. Not a lot of stories out there recognize how terrifying it is to be bullied, and if they do, it's always at the end a savior comes by and saves the person. I feel like stories need to be where the main character actually saves themselves. The characters are really pretty. I find that the story is very lovely to read. It's short right now, but I'm sure they will add more. What it was worth: I really enjoyed the story a lot and felt like it was very eye-opening to the world that we live in

Chapters I read:3

Total points:100

Summary of the book:

"We had fun last time. Right guys?" Luna, one of her bullies taunted, giving a momentary smile and her friends replied, laughing. Maya took deep breaths as surges of anger bubbled within her while she leaned her head against her locker trying to calm down. Maya has never felt so angry In her lifetime. "It was fun but watching her in her underwear wasn't" Grace, another of the girls scoffed, making Maya's breathe more intense."Not gonna say anything honey" Luna jeered, laughing loudly. "You know..." she started and tapped Maya's shoulder, calling her attention. "You and your mum are so pathetic" Ouch.Don't take it into your head Maya, her subconscious told her."Don't you ever say that about us" Maya shoved her thought aside, muttering through gritted teeth."Aww, did it hurt?" Grace cooed looking at Maya."As I was saying, that's why your dad left you" As soon as the words dropped, adrenaline pumped in Maya's veins, urging her to either fight or to take flight.Her dad didn't leave them because they were pathetic, right?Breathing heavily, she stepped face to face with Luna and slapped her across her cheeks."How dare you slap me!" Luna wined, placing her hands on her cheek."What have I done?"~~~~Amaya Scott, known as Maya is a seventeen year old highschool teenager who is prone to being bullied due to her lifestyle. She isn't one to revenge or put up a fight but maybe giving her just three days to put up self defense won't hurt right?


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