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[Third Person]

                       The breeze blew lightly, but the cold air it brought was intense. The snow had started to fall in the middle of there walk. So Lupine and the others decided it was time to head back to camp before it becomes difficult to find their way.

They moved at a slow and steady pace, their feet leaving prints on the thin layer of snow that already covered the ground. The wind blow through the leafless branches of the trees, the forest was dark and the only light was the crescent moon over head.

"Lupine, are you sure this is the right way." Lucy asked, as she walked closer towards Lupine side.

"Yeah." Lupine searched around the darkened forest. "But we have to hurry, the snow has almost completely covered our tracks. So it's getting harder to back track, but if we move fast, we should make it in time before curfew back at camp.

"Alright, we're going to quicken our pace." And with that, the 5 of them started moving quickly through the forest. Snow and wind blew past their skin and through their hair.


A Little Over Half A Month Later...

It was winter.

Groans of pain were evident in the air, the intense cold was touching the skin of those who were train and fighting without a shirt on.

Heavy breathing could be seen clearly in the cold, sweat dripped down their body. Some of their faces were bright red, from the cold. Their hands stiff, but the intense training didn't stop.

The cold wind took their heavy hot breaths and turned it into more cold air, they gazed grew tired and their limbs grew numb from the lack of rest, but the instructors wasn't going to have them stop any time soon.

"Fix your stance." One of the instructors called to Kyle, to which he adjusted his stance before charging his sparing partner, who happens to be Lupine.

Lupine dodged the on coming attack, before sending a quick jab to Kyle stomach. Kyle stagger back from the impact, before quickly recovering and charging once more.

Lupine quickly threw a kick towards Kyle's side, to which Kyle caught before pulling Lupine's leg, sending him tumbling to the floor.

Kyle reacted quickly, trying to punch Lupine in the stomach, but it was too late. Lupine had already rolled out the way, and quickly hurried back to his feet. He punched Kyle once in the stomach, which almost caused Kyle to hurl. And then he sent a punch towards Kyle's face.

Kyle stumbled back, before falling flat on his back on the snowy ground.

"I give up." Kyle breath out heavily. "Your to good at close combat. And it's getting cold, can you hand me my shirt."

Lupine walked over towards where he and Kyle had thrown their shirts, his bare feet moved slowly on the snow. His body completely unaffected by the cold, other than the small blush of red that played on his pale cheeks and nose.

"Here." He said, walking up to Kyle who was still lying down on the ground. He thrown his shirt at him, before turning and walk towards one of the instructors.

"What should I do next." Lupine asked the instructor, to which the women looked at him like he was some freak.

"You're done for the day." The women said. "You've completed all of the goals me and the others set for you today, you can have the rest of the day off."

"Okay. Thank you." And then the instructor watched as Lupine muscular, yet very lean figure walked away. His white hair blowing slowly in the cold north wind.

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